[hider=Ayya] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/g54AOAD.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Ayya Kyndoola [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Species:[/b] Twi'lek [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Force Sensitive:[/b] Yes - but since her outburst, it hasn't really done much despite her efforts. Perhaps something subconscious is holding her back? [b]Role on the ship:[/b] Engineer, Linguist and Part-Time Inventor. [b]Appearance:[/b] Ayya stands at an average height of 5'7", with a build one could describe as slim and pretty; however, hard work and a less than safe lifestyle has ensured that Ayya is not the picture perfect model that the female of her kind are often seen as. Her muscles are toned through years of manual labour, paired with callouses on her slender fingers, and scars found marring her powder-blue skin. Most are minor and inconsequential, but she has a few larger, more major ones across her chest and back - slash marks, from a bad experience with a mercenary with a vibroblade. Intricate tattoos can also be found on her lekku, which are long enough to reach her waist and only just brush her buttocks. They are usually dangling down her back, occasionally pulled to the front when she wants her back free to sit or lie down on. One time she used them as a scarf when it was particularly cold; it worked wonders for keeping her neck warm... but her lekku did not thank her for her failed experiment with hours of painful tingling afterwards. Her eyes are blue, far deeper and darker than that of her skin. Matched with a sunny smile and pointed face, she can sometimes have a mischievous look about her. As for her clothing, Ayya tends to wear things that are comfortable, practical, but still look good. On top of her personal hygiene (Which she takes very seriously - while being a mechanic is often a mucky job, she painstakingly washes herself every night. Just because she works with smelly people doesn't mean she has to be smelly too.) she also likes to ensure she wears clean clothes as often as possible. A lot of her clothing (Her vest, belt, boots and protective gloves) are all leather, so are easy enough to wipe down if they get soiled. Her shirt and pants are a deep turquoise colour, and made of a light-weight material that can be washed and dried quickly. Leather ties connected to a headdress adorn her head and lekku, simply for aesthetics's sake than anything else. It's not like that pesky hair some species have that get's in the way all the time. [b]Personality:[/b] Ayya is generally a pleasant sort of individual. Adapts to most situations well and can soon fit in with most crowds; this was brought forth from her time in Coruscant, dealing with a wide host of different creatures with different temperaments. She is always quick to tell a joke to lighten up a situation, but in very bad moments, it's more of a defence mechanism. If she's quiet when things are going bad, if you know her well enough you know for damn sure she's scared. However, she tries to avoid getting like that. Ayya would rather be angry than scared, so jokes can often devolve into sarcastic, often harsh comments when she's feeling stressed out. She dislikes fighting out of fear that her powers will come to light again, and she would prefer to keep them under wraps. However, she would make a fast friend for anyone - she's both good at and happy to listen to other people's troubles, glad to help people. But at the same time, she's likes the distraction from her own issues. It would take some doing for her to let her walls down around someone else. [b]Equipment:[/b] 2 pistol blasters 2 small vibroblades A pocket knife The pouches on her belt containing a plethora of things useful for on the go repairs; nuts and bolts, batteries, screws, wires, screwdrivers, etc. Also some bantha jerky, and a rebreather. You'll never know when it'll come in handy! Her gloves contain several devices built into them; a comm link, a low-range scanner/sensor, a distress beacon, and a very small holographic data-pad. The latter is in the works and acts up a lot, so she also carries a regular datapad on her at all times. Just in case. [b]Your Quarters:[/b] Regardless of where she sleeps, she always somehow makes a hammock if one isn't available. She can rarely sleep in anything else. Other than that her quarters are atypical; a few things thrown haphazardly around the room, but otherwise tidy enough to walk about in. [b]Your Spaceship:[/b] Nope, it exploded. [b]Obligation: [/b] Earn money and avoid her previous employers. Also, hopefully learn more about controlling these rather unwanted powers that she has so as to hide them better. ((Going to use her murderous ex-shipmates as 2 points in the Skills section.)) [b]Statistics: [/b] [b]Brawn: [/b] 1 [b]Agility: [/b] 3 [b]Intellect: [/b] 3 [b]Cunning: [/b] 3 [b]Willpower: [/b] 1 [b]Presence: [/b] 2 ((5 Left over - moved to Skills section)) [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*] Computers - 2 [*] Mechanics - 3 [*] Melee - 2 [*] Perception - 2 [*] Piloting - 1 [*] Ranged Light - 1 [/list] [b]History:[/b] Ayya was born on Ryloth just a few years before the start of the Clone Wars in 25BBY. Being only 3 years old when the Battle for Ryloth occurred, Ayya's last memories of her home planet and her parents, was seeing the Jedi Knights help fight the rebels (Who included her Mother and Father) while her grandparents somehow smuggled themselves safely off planet. They had promised their daughter and son-in-law to get Ayya to safety while they helped their planet. That was the last they heard from them or the rebellion, but they still had a promise to keep to; Ayya had to be provided for. Thankfully, the pair were quite inventive in their creations, and after a few months of jumping around from planet to planet, taking oddjobs just to feed their granddaughter, they finally settled down in Coruscant. To them, it was probably the safest planet in the galaxy, what with their defences and the Jedi Temple making it impossible for a Separatist attack. Working as mechanics in a large repair shop on the planet, Ayya had a comfortable upbringing as money seemed to be no issue for the hard-working family of 3. When the owner passed, Ayya's Grandparents had amassed enough money to purchase the shop for themselves. Ayya grew up with a large host of different people, and it didn't take long for her to go from chatting idly to customers and getting under her grandparent's feet, to actually helping them with things. Languages seemed to be picked up easily by the young girl, including the language of robots; more often than not she was tinkering away with some kind of experiment, that nearly always ended up in an explosion, a scolding from her grandparents, and finally a cuddle because she singed her lekku on a soldering iron. As she grew older, her grandparents grew more and more frail, and after years of hard labour, were not ageing very well. By the time she reached the age of 19, her Grandfather had passed away cancer brought on from working with dangerously toxic materials when he was younger. By the age of 21, her Grandmother was beginning to lose her dexterity and memory. Realising - quite guiltily - that she couldn't and didn't want to spend the next few years nursing her Grandmother as she got worse, Ayya found a very comfortable nursing facility for her to stay in. Using her life savings that would have gone towards a ship, and also closing down and selling the shop, Ayya had enough money to pay the facility for the rest of her Grandmother's life. By this point, her Grandmother couldn't particularly tell the difference between Ayya and the pretty Twi'lek nurse looking after her - and that was fine in Ayya's eyes. As long as she was safe and happy, that was all that mattered to her. Following this, Ayya had only a meagre amount of money left; making for spaceport, she started jumping from ship to ship, pleading to see Captain's so as to convince them to give her a job. Most laughed her away; a few more offered to take her on as an "entertainer" rather than a mechanic, so she walked out of those places herself. When she beginning to lose hope at the end of the day, Ayya approached the last ship in the dock. It was a huge frigate; from inside the bay doors she could see a number of smaller ships docked inside, along with a jumble of different people; including the Captain. Captain Quentin Moxla was by far the most easy-going Captain she had seen yet; a Kiffar with black tattoos, he was the only one to discuss a job seriously with her. After judging for himself when watching her fix a malfunctioning pulley system on the ship, he happily shook her hand and gave her the job as mechanic. Ayya finally had a job... but there was a catch. [i]The Star-Searcher[/i] didn't always take the most legal jobs. What they did was attack ships belonging to the fat, lazy, rich and corrupt - nobody was ever harmed beyond perhaps a concussion, and the ships were always left with enough basic functions to keep everybody alive until rescue came. Ayya was happy with that arrangement. Quentin was happy with her work. Quentin and Ayya's relationship deepened over the years; naturally, they started out professionally. In her first few months Ayya was "tested" by the crew, but they seemed happy enough with her as she soon made fast friends. The First Mate was a bit on the odd side; always leaning a bit too close, or watching her from dark corners as her drank with the less-pleasant members of the group - but she didn't let it perturb her. Especially after her "4 year anniversary" on the ship; the crew always loved an excuse to get drunk, so Ayya's 4th year on the ship was reason enough for the Captain to throw a party. The drink was flowing, music loud, the atmosphere merry, and Ayya's eyes locked with Quentin's. They left the party early - not that the crew noticed - and spent the night together. Ayya couldn't have been happier. While unsure if she loved Quentin, she was certainly attracted to him, and besides from that, he was a good Captain and even better friend. She was certain life was going her way... but unbeknown to her and Quentin, mutiny was brewing in the ranks. The First Mate - a human named Cori - had sowed dissent amongst his crewmates. Quentin had unwittingly recruited a blood-thirsty lot across the years, and they were ready to start killing for money again. For Cori, however, he wanted everything the Captain had. The leading role, the ship, the crew... and of course, Ayya. His wandering eyes had not been idle over the years, and he desired the young Twi'lek more than anything, perhaps simply because she was unavailable to him. Their next mission involved happening across a damaged light freighter around Tatooine Space in the Outer Rims - slim pickings for the raider group, as it sat dead in the water. Docking with it, the Captain began to lead with his usual speech about "No moving, no-one get's hurt", only to pause at the scene before him. The ship was loaded not with cargo as he had thought, but people. From the looks of them, and the part of space they were in, Quentin quite correctly assumed they were ex-slaves, being smuggled away by some kind soul who wanted to give them freedom. Turning to his crew, he ordered them back aboard the ship, even asking Ayya to head back to retrieve equipment to aid the broken ship; Quentin was all for the under-dog, and he would be damned to see these slaves executed for attempting to gain some freedom. Ayya had only turned her back to return to [i]The Star-Searcher[/i] before hearing the shot. Turning on her heel, she saw Quentin's vaguely surprised expression turn slack before he hit the floor, a sizzling hole in the middle of his forehead from the blaster held by Cori, killing him instantly. Ayya stood, shell-shocked for a moment as Cori and his fellows turned on the remainder of the group, beginning to slaughter the innocent slaves and outraged raiders mercilessly. Ayya didn't stay. She turned and ran. Ignoring the tears beginning to blind her eyes, Ayya stuffed what personal belongings she could into a bag before sprinting to the hangar bay, hoping to all the deities in the sky that it was empty. To her luck, it was; but she had been followed. Cori, noticing Ayya's absence from the bloodshed, had followed her onto their empty frigate, cornering her in the hangar bay and giving her a vicious backhanded slap that sent her to the ground. Pinning the struggling Twi'lek down, the sadistically grinning human stated that now her beloved Captain was gone, she was his to with as he pleased. Now definitely panicking, Ayya felt a swell of power build up inside her; suddenly she pushed her palms towards Cori who shot up in the air, flailing and yelling in shock. Bouncing hard off the ceiling and landing even harder in a dazed pile next to her, Ayya could only stare at her hands in shock for a few moments before realising she had to leave. Throwing her things on the nearest ship, she stabbed wildly at the buttons, the ship jumping in hyperspace to the first planet's coordinates in the system; Alderaan. Not that Ayya was paying much attention to what was going on in the cockpit; she had retreated to the belly of the ship, curled up on the floor and clutching her bag of belongings like a child would a toy as she sobbed. Not just over the loss and horror of everything she had seen; but what she had done. Ayya was no fool; she had been there during the Clone Wars, before the fall of the Jedi, and she knew what those powers were. What she was. And now was not a good time to be one of those people. As the ship's VI alerted her to nearing her destination, Ayya stood up, hoping she could find answers in a planet infamous for aiding in the Rebellion; and by default, helping those with the Force. Unfortunately, the first thing Ayya saw when jumping out of hyperspace was rubble. Thinking she had stumbled into an asteroid field, it was only when one of the engines blew up from impact that the VI corrected her; this [i]was[/i] Alderaan. Aghast at the sight of such destruction, she barely had time to jump into the escape pod with her bag and jettison herself before her ship failed completely, turning into dust with another impact from a hunk of rock. Deciding glumly that this was the worst day of her life, Ayya barely noticed that the escape pod had seemingly docked with another ship. Or had it used a tractor beam? Either way, she hoped they were friendly... [hider=What situations I like my character to be in:] Running into her previous employers. The crew (Or certain members of the crew) finding out and reacting to her force sensitive ways. Building relationships, be they platonic, romantic, or unfriendly. [/hider] [/hider]