[hider=Appearance][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/za32aRd.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [center][u][b]Theme Song:[/b][/u] IDK, will update should I find something appropriate[/center] [b][u]Name/Nickname:[/u][/b] Wei Zhan Wu [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 26 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [u][b]Political Affiliation:[/b][/u] Neutral [u][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/u] Zhan Wu’s martial education has been shaped by the feared Han Lieren, the Howling Hunters Agency, and in their care he has learned a modified version of the Eagle Claw. Though the style is known for its close range repertoire, in particular its system of clinches, takedowns and grappling holds, Zhan Wu prefers to stay at a longer range initially. Rather than rush into a direct clash he employs swift, efficient footwork and circular deflections to keep opponents at bay, striking at them with powerful and precise long-range attacks that are perfectly capable of ending a fight on their own. In particular, the Agency’s training regimen included an extreme focus on body conditioning. After all, a member of the Howling Hunters should be able to strike down prey at any time without the need for weapons. Wei Zhan Wu is quite durable and, though he is not as strong as others more dedicated to sheer power, he can forego weapons without being at too much of a disadvantage, aided by the rather uncommon ability to deliver powerful whip-like lashings with his long ponytail. In exchange for all this, however, he is just not very good with weapons at all, especially for someone of his otherwise advanced skills. Finally, though he has received some training as an assassin, Zhan Wu sees most of the practices as unglamorous and beneath him. He has a strong dislike for the cowardly use poisons and narcotics, he sees skulking about in the shadows as the realm of lowly thieves and his ego makes it very hard for him to consider blending in with crowds. He is, however, lithe and agile, capable of moving swiftly, softly and silently with some ease even if he’s not on the level of better infiltrators. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Zhan Wu is just not the most pleasant person to be around. Cold and aloof, he’s not one to hold back on biting remarks and his advanced martial arts skills have given him a narcissistic streak and a habit of looking down on others. A strong believer in self reliance who has achieved his current station through his own sweat and blood, he is also hardly the type to go out of his way to help others and actively despises those who are content to let their fate play out as it may. Despite all this, he does have some redeeming features and holds himself to a high standard. Placing himself above common treachery, the Howling Hunter sees his word as his bond and is a dependable ally once one is sure they have gained his cooperation. He is also fearless and willing to risk life and limb for his goals, and while he is undeniably ruthless he isn’t one for killing or maiming others without proper reasons to do so, especially when it is clear they are not at his level. Though harsh and uncompromising, his words and actions often seek to drive others to better themselves as he has done in his life and he is very open about praising others should they do something that warrants it. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Unlike the Grand Temples or the Iron Schools, the Han Lieren Agency, the Howling Hunters, isn’t exactly well known to the common people. In the martial arts world and amongst major officials, however, they’re a synonym for excellency. Though a comparatively minor group as far as numbers go, this unorthodox organization is famed for their high standards and their enviable success rate in acting as bodyguards, shock troops, infiltrators and assassins for hire. A strong code of conduct helps separate them from common thugs, and even the court occasionally makes use of their deadly skills for their own benefit. While the Agency often employs less than upstanding martial artists shunned by more orthodox organizations, it also takes in orphaned or abandoned children to raise its own members from the ground up. Wei Zhan Wu is such a case, a child who even at death’s door displayed an unusual strength of will and was thus taken in to be raised as a warrior and assassin. Though a rough upbringing, nevermind the moral implications of it all, Zhan Wu is fanatically loyal to the Agency and has never forgotten that it was by their hand that he was given a future and a station so much higher than anything he could’ve dreamed of. And it’s this loyalty to what he sees as his brothers and sisters that drives him now. One of the victims of the Pale Hunter, unknown to many, was a member of the Han Lieren and the Agency cannot allow such a thing to go unpunished. The task has fallen to Wei Zhan Wu and him alone, a test for the young martial artist before his training progresses any further. He is to take the Pale Hunter’s head, through whatever means he deems necessary, and success will see him rise further up the ranks of the shadowy organization. [b][u]Inventory:[/u][/b] Nothing in particular beyond a fair amount of funds. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx5T2VSjICA]This[/url] is Hwang Jang Lee, who’d later go on to play Thunderleg in Drunken Master, performing an approximation of the Eagle Claw as the main antagonist in Snake Under the Eagle’s Shadow. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33sMl0L1s5M]This[/url], meanwhile, is Frankie Chan (in the yellow robes) showcasing the style with more obvious grabbing displays as the main rival in The Prodigal Son.