Is anyone around here interested in the Northern Crusades? There were some minor crusades by some other folk, but the two most famous groups was the Livonian Order and the Teutonic Knight, who eventually became one. They were trying to convert the native Balts to Christianity, at the request of some Polish dukes; also, some German merchants cane to the region for its resources, like amber. The knights and their allies were generally successful at subduing their opponents, but the population was quick to revert back to paganism and rise in rebellion. Unfortunately for the crusaders, one of the cities was contested (maybe Danzig/Gdansk?) and it led to some bad blood between the Teutonic Order and Poland, and the two fought several conflicts, the most notable being the Battle of Grunwald, which really stunted the crusades there. Anyway, was wondering if anyone was interested in this sort of subject.