[quote=@catchamber] Mentalities like yours are partly why we have so many problems in the world today. You don't care about the future, or the long term consequences of your behavior. "A peaceful and prosperous world" is generally considered desirable by most people. [/quote] [quote=@Buddha] Your 'practicality' did not agree with what I consider practical so you instantly told me I was the reason the world is shit? Yeah, nah. It's definitely about morality at least in part. [/quote] You proved my point about considering others evil or stupid. The point is that even if you and Buddah did see eye to eye on what is important, the simple arrangement of what is more important. Even if one thing. Drastically changes both of your approaches, sometimes to alien policies to one another. and you get that. 2 "We can only be certain of our personal aspirations, and I hope we share the same goals for the world and its people." - you We do not all share the same goals for our world and its people. The best we share is words. As soon as you submitted this post you mostly got detractors against you plans of implementation and end goals. See, this is what I was trying to convey. Don't rely on other people or cooperation or politics. Sure, recruit them if you will but do so knowing that...in the grand scheme of doing any of this shit...it takes one...one process for it to dramatically change from its original point. You're point is rationale, it dose make sense to conclude that if someone is vertical farming...then..it will result in farming. Job done, end purpose fulfilled. but, What are they farming, who is going to, how was it built, who wants to legislate this. Does the person who built it and technically owns it agree with that legislation...does that person with the knowledge on building vertical farms only help other people he knows will support an government policy or business policy. Thus assuring most vertical farms end up defeating the point by say. legalizing weed and then selling that. So the efficiency of vertical farms mostly go into getting people high. As you justly eluded to with the above quote on the enigmatic stranger. Objects and reality are A to B but plans...are immaterial and you hand them out to immaterial thought process. A can very easily become Z. So when I say, you should handle it yourself. If you make a vertical farm and then...say...dedicate your knowledge online to show other people how to build say...DIY backyard vertical farming. At least then you can be assured that the practical effect you want is taken, rather than recruiting dubious strangers and organisations or leaders to hear you out. Life is rational. If something works, it's like a train. It slowly builds up speed. Everyone gets on board or they get out of the way. It's better you start the train and make sure it doesn't go off the tracks.