[h2][center]Oswald Connoly- Team CODE Dorm [/center][/h2] Oswald shrugged in response to Cobalt's question about where to go. It wasn't much worth protesting at this point, he supposed: they wanted to get out, as much as he wanted to just take things slow for once. Oh well, he'd manage somehow. Cobalt's response to whoever was at the door was...disheartening, to say the least. Cobalt was being arrested, you say? He'd done some 'bad stuff', you say? He wanted to [i][u][b]SCREAM[/b][/u][/i]. He wanted to get up and toss his wheelchair through the wall, then drag Cobalt with it. He wanted to wring Cobalt's neck for this. But he was so tired. So, so damned tired. Tired of people disappearing from his life without so much as a warning, tired of watching everything around him collapse like it always did. He'd once seen his Emblem as a source of pride, being the last survivor to hold the line against the forces of darkness, protecting everybody around him. Now, he was just sick of it. Letting out a deep sigh and a groan of effort, Oswald lifted himself from the chair and clapped Cobalt on the shoulder, looking him in the eyes after Diamond hugged him. "Good luck."