[hider=Rebecca Crescent] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Rebecca Crescent [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 23 [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Human [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Standing at five feet and three inches with a somewhat thin physique, Rebecca by no means embodies the look of a warrior. Her pale skin tones and demure features suggest someone that does not spend much time outside. Her mousy brown hair goes down to her shoulders, but it is usually either kept in a ponytail or in a bun, leaving her clear blue eyes unobscured. Her muscles are hard to discern, merely possessing the strength of one who is occasionally expected to move machinery about when assistance isn’t handy. [u][b]Attire:[/b][/u] Rebecca wears clothing tight enough not to get caught in any mechanical devices she may be working on, more specifically a grey shirt with long sleeves and black pants. Most of her outer layer of clothing, specifically her coat and boots is made of leather tanned and cured from the hides of demons, the material’s strange properties protecting against the raw magical energies that she often works with. Her boots are tall and sturdy, designed for a somewhat dangerous working environment, but also serving well for travel. Her coat is black, long, and trailing, with a texture akin to a more traditional leather coat and toting many pockets to store whatever tools may be especially useful at the moment. Metal is rarely used in her clothing, in fear of accidentally conducting any magic or otherwise altering experiments, but when it is, such as in buttons on her jacket, it is generally iron, or any similar metal that insulates against magic. Her most favored accessory is the hat she earned upon being accepted as a researcher. While her clothing is normally adorned with various markings indicating her as a member of The Choir’s research and development team, these were removed prior to her mission. As researchers rarely leave the recesses of Tour de Rouge’s laboratories, almost none know of their uniform in Falke. [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] [hider] The Crescent bloodline carries much prestige in the Twilight Fields, being comprised of the family that founded the area’s famous mining industry as well as one of The Order of the Crescent Sun’s greatest mages. Rebecca seemed to almost be born to disgrace the prestige of this bloodline, being born small, sickly, and frail with no magical ability to speak of after her older sister Veronica seemed to be turning out to be a perfect child. While Rebecca’s parents loved and cherished her, she never felt she received quite as much favor as her sister did, aside from her grandmother’s occasional visits when she wasn’t on some diplomatic errand or hunting demons in the Nethergate Wastes. They talked often on those visits, the two always seeing much in common with one another. Unfortunately for her, such visits were quite rare. She managed to make do, though. She had quite the inquisitive mind even from a young age, disassembling and reassembling whatever machinery she could get her hands on as well as tagging along with Veronica in her magical studies. She loved to think about how things worked, even if she couldn’t make use of them herself. Of particular interest to her was the old golem in town, who wandered offering protection and general assistance with any task he could provide help for. As the golem grew older and began to break down, and Rebecca grew more experienced with her craft, she took it upon herself to keep the old golem running, maintaining and swapping out whatever parts she could. An odd friendship began to form between the two, despite their difference in intellect and stature. No machine runs forever, however. Eventually, when she was thirteen years old, the golem broke down to the point that acquiring new parts was more trouble than it was worth to just about anyone in town. It remained as a statue in the center of town. Shortly after, Veronica left for The Choir, and it felt to Rebecca as if she was left on her own. She resolved to follow her sister, hoping to use The Choir’s great resources to further her own studies. She spent the next several years studying, growing closer and closer to producing a new stable form of using magic and machinery in tandem. When she turned 19, she asked her grandmother to pull a few strings and set off for Tour de Rouge. Her thesis on what she called Resonance Theory was enough to get her accepted into The Choir’s research and development division, with her own laboratory, with the task of producing equipment utilizing Resonance Theory before the deadline. Rebecca worked hard, eventually producing a portable launcher of her own design. Unfortunately, her superiors’ reception to it was somewhat… underwhelmed. They decided that such a thing would need field testing, and with Falke recently having beaten their forces back across the bridge, they felt it would be wise to have someone see what magic they had at their disposal as well. They decided that Rebecca was just the person for both jobs. Though she didn’t feel that she was the best at espionage, simply laying low and cataloguing whatever magical items of interest she could find eventually turned out to be simple enough. The problem of returning home, however was not. With the bridge out and tensions riding, she needed a more covert way to return home safely.[/hider] [u][b]Inventory:[/b][/u] [list] [*][hider=Resonance Theory Prototype Launcher 01 (RTPR-01)]Rebecca's finest invention, this truly bizarre weapon makes use of both magic and machinery that defies both explanation and expectation. Taking a form similar to a combination of different brass musical instruments, The force rune and launching mechanisms are controlled by a timing mechanism near the “keys” on the side. By breathing into the device, a projectile is created and launched forwards, independent of gravity, and lands against a target, on which point it bursts into kinetic energy, knocking both people and objects caught in the blast radius away. The pitch of the “note” created affects the behavior of the projectile. Higher notes will impact and detonate sooner afterwards, while lower notes will reverberate and spend more of their energy bouncing off of surfaces before detonating. The weapon works on a system of “measures,” with the projectiles detonating at the end of each one. The size of the projectiles depends on how long the note is held and therefore how much of the measure it takes up. Attacks can be released with a series of small impacts akin to a decent punch (sixteenth notes) or one with the force of a charging bull (whole note). Though projectiles are all launched at an incredibly fast speed, the loud noise and slow activation make heavier strikes unwieldy. The vast excess of energy created by the device is released as sound and heat. The device is unfortunately still a prototype, and is vulnerable to explode if wielded incorrectly as well as to water, unable to function even in rain. To counteract the latter flaw, it is typically carried in a sturdy, locked case on Rebecca’s back. The case itself is reinforced against almost any form of attack, making it both an effective shield and a surprisingly powerful impromptu weapon for anyone who would underestimate her enough to be caught by it. The launcher has a safety mechanism that, when turned on, allows it to be played like a normal instrument. [/hider] [*][hider=Tookit]A satchel case filled with a variety of tools and maintenance devices that would bring envy to any aspiring tinkerer. Though they’re mostly used for maintenance concerning Rebecca’s own creations, the tools are versatile enough to be used for many different machines. Some can be used for defense in a pinch, even if they aren’t a match for a true weapon.[/hider] [*]A small, magic bottomless bag, the opening large enough to contain a partially filled journal and a quill enchanted to never run out of ink. [/list] [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] [u]Magitech Developer:[/u] Rebecca is one of the premiere developers of stable magitech, despite having no magical ability of her own, and as such is incredibly knowledgeable in the sciences of both magic and machinery. There’s hardly a spell or machine that she couldn’t pick apart and dissect on the continent, given enough time. [u]Big Band:[/u] As the creator of her RTPR-01, she is perhaps the only one who could wield and maintain it without destroying it. Her de facto fighting style is based around it, using her projectiles to chip and blast away at the enemy, knocking around loose objects in their general facility, and generally causing havoc from a distance. She is far less useful in close range battles, however; her options are limited aside from creating more distance or a powerful but unskilled and unwieldy strike from a tool or the launcher’s case. [u]Languages:[/u] Abbalic [b][u]Current Location:[/u][/b] Falke [/hider]