[hider=Caity]Name: Caity George Age: 25 Gender: Female Status: Single Occupation: Part time librarian // Part time retail slave Appearance: [hider=Caity][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/81b39b6f-da8b-40b5-8567-37787079b0c6.png [/img] *Note that the above image is not a representation of her weight* [img]http://i.imgur.com/gSTr1aq.jpg?1[/img] Hair: Originally light brown, currently dyed purple Eye color: Green Height: 5' 8" Weight: [url=http://height-weight-chart.com/507-220.html]216 lbs[/url] Skin tone: 'Redhead white' (Pale, pinkish, burns easily) Ethnicity: Some mix of white European - she isn't really sure what[/hider] Personality: Sarcastic, Introverted, Likes to thrill-seek from the comfort of a book. Background: Caity - not short for Catherine, or Candace, or Caitlin, or heaven forbid Cathleen, thank you very much - grew up in what she considered a fairly typical way. Her parents divorced when she was ten, and she lived with her mother the majority of the time. Times spent with her father weren't outright [i]bad[/i] - she did snag a couple new gaming systems out of him - but they were never actually pleasant. Her favorite part of summer was spending it with her mother's family up in a lakeside cabin they rented. It was the only time of year she willingly spent too much time outdoors - most of it in the water until her skin shriveled up like prunes. At the age of 25, she works part time for the local library. She [i]technically[/i] isn't a librarian, since she doesn't have her masters degree, but in the small town library she works at, it's close enough. However, since the budget only allows her to work part time there, she also works part time as 'a retail slave'. Or, she did, until the store she worked at liquidated its assets and closed. Desperate for some money to pay off frivolous things such as [i]student loans[/i] and [i]rent[/i], Caity scoured the papers looking for some extra income. But the paper had nothing for her. Instead, a message came through to her profile on a dating website. An older man, looking for someone to marry his son. Caity thought it was a scam, but after some time talking to the man, she agreed to marry the son in what she would later think of as a fit of insanity. She hasn't quite figured out how to tell the gentleman she doesn't want to marry his son after all... even if it does mean he'll pay off her student loans... Likes: Books. Her Grammie's cookies. Tattoos. Video Games. Coffee. Dislikes: Dogs. Sticky Candy. Being in stressful situations. Living where the cold hurts her face. Raw onions. Other Information: Has dated and been in a serious 2+ year relationship before, though is currently single. She may be a bit chubby, but she's (mostly) happy and comfortable with her body. Anyone who doesn't like it can go take a long walk off a short pier. Lives somewhere in small-town New England. [hider=The tattoo on her arm][img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/de74845c-51d1-4017-a84d-95e180ab6f61.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider]