[quote=@ArenaSnow] [hider=Kolonis] [b]Name[/b]: Kolonis [hider=Concept Appearance][img]https://laurasavaart.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/3fce8-azrael_by_anotherwanderer-d6yehtc.jpg[/img] Generally minus the wings and a slightly more human figure, if only for the sake of… kind of blending in. [/hider] [b]Age[/b]: Immortal – confirmed year count 4,732 [b]Gender[/b]: Adapts a female appearance and goes by “she”. [b]Race[/b]: Demon [b]Personality[/b]: Deceptive, cunning and tactical. Though she has never betrayed the demon lord, she has betrayed almost every other demon she has come across in some way or another, usually for the sake of her master. The result is a reputation for being almost entirely untrustworthy. She cares not of what others believe or think of her, not really; her skillset is such that she is very difficult to trace, even by the demon lord herself, and she puts these skills into use frequently if she is under the impression someone is out for revenge. She is driven by “something more”; she looks for something beyond raw power, though she has told no being what exactly it is she wants. [b]Alignment[/b]: Lawful Evil [b]Class[/b]: Demon Runic Mage [b]Equipment[/b] [i]Runic Robes[/i]: A protective assortment of clothing that is partially intertwined with her skin, soft to the touch and hinting to what many would consider an attractive appearance. These robes give her many of her capabilities. The runes are pure demonic symbols that are nearly invisible in the fabric to human eyes, though they stand out like red beams to those with magical skill if she is not attempting to cloak herself. [i]Runic Beads[/i]: Four arrays of beads that are in fact minor runes, each serving certain purposes and generally left to hang out from the aforementioned robes. Said runes can be utilized as extra appendages, though rarely do they come into use for that purpose. [i]Orb[/i]: A small, swirling black ball that is always in her hands when attempting more complicated spells that are beyond her basic skillset. Suspected of being at least important to gaining her secrets, if not the very foundation of her knowledge, many have tried to steal it from her. However, it never leaves her grasp, and it has never been stolen. Its exact properties besides being a utility for her spells are unknown. [b]Powers[/b] [i]Illusion[/i]: Kolonis is capable of creating and maintaining elaborate illusions, either to the minds of multiple weak individuals or a single stronger one. Those with divine abilities and a high amount of raw magical power can override her spells in this field, as can individuals with strong wills – but only if they catch on to her attempts at the outset, as the best illusions are those most believable. [i]Runic Spells[/i]: Kolonis utilizes an old art of runic magic, a delicate art requiring extensive knowledge and involving more than a little safety risk. As one of the few demons capable of using it, and the only high-profile one to have mastered it, this knowledge has sustained her position through the years. Runewords can be created in blood, and depending on the type of spell, multiple types of blood. [i]Demonic Nature[/i]: As a demon, she has a corrupting influence, a durability far stronger than that of an average human in combat, superior senses/reflexes and some natural control/immunity on the matter of fire. However, she lacks a true demon form. [i]Dematerialization[/i]: Kolonis lacks a true demon form, but makes up for it by being able to turn into a dark blue liquid or other non-solid state. Useful for escaping or transportation (though she’s not much faster than her solid form) but rather pointless when using spells, as they require all portions of her body to be solid. [b]History[/b]: Kolonis was one of the Demon Lord’s early supporters, having joined him nearly 5000 years ago. Presumably, she existed before then, though for how long and what she did is entirely unknown. Bringing with him potent spells and skills in the shadows, Kolonis made herself invaluable from the start and steadily rose to be a silent member of the top leadership, playing a hand in many plots and eliminating an array of potential threats to her master. Her first missions consisted of assassinating and otherwise destabilizing the reigns of higher ranking demons, and as her master grew in power, she slowly rose to deal with problems across the board. Eventually, she led many of the preparations for the overworld. Never one for direct combat if possible, and thus rarely seen on the field – sometimes to the ire of her fellow demon - she nonetheless earned at least the respect of her superiors. Said superiors were few in number by the end. Never has she revealed more than a taste of her secrets, and she says absolutely nothing of her past prior to meeting the demon lord. Though Kolonis had slain many heroes who may have caused trouble before her master struck the world, she failed to miss the greatest danger of them all. Originally, the hero appeared irrelevant and entirely escaped her notice. Her concern began when the hero began to circumvent, outwit, or entirely destroy her many traps and precautions. Kolonis prepared many specially tuned curses, spells and enemies in combinations that would have been fatal to any hero. Such was not the case; before long, Kolonis had exhausted a formidable supply of attacks and plans to no good effect. Indeed, it seemed that for every one of Kolonis’s failures, the hero became stronger. By the time the demon lord intervened and took personal control of the crisis, it was too late. Kolonis barely escaped as the strongest demons fell or fled one by one. She took to the shadows once more, without a plan or a master. The organization of the demon lord’s forces fell into total disarray, and she had very little authority to stop it. Some promised loyalty to Kolonis, only to vanish the moment a plan for counterattack was mentioned. Others shunned Kolonis for surviving and not battling to the end, as one of the demon lord’s closest allies. Her reputation was always mixed; now so more than ever, and largely unfavorable towards her. [/hider] [/quote] I quite like her, obviously you said that the wings are not part of her character so that won't be a problem. So yeah accepted!