[quote=@catchamber]Also, the new law allows prisoners with marijuana related sentences to appeal for shorter sentences.[/quote] And their appeals will be denied, but they'll have fooled you into thinking the system is fair and balanced for the prisoners now. Bravo. [quote=@catchamber]California legalized the recreational use and sale of marijuana.[/quote] Are you aware that one of the largest warning signs of being on the autism spectrum is taking everything literally, and being unable to detect sarcasm, hyperbole, or subtext? Yes, California legalized weed. So did two or three other states. That doesn't change the fact that there's enormous resistance against legalizing it country-wide, because doing so would inhibit the private prison complex, among others. Weed is also only hard drug among dozens. Tangentially related, your "ingenious" ideas about solar paneling will face exactly the same stonewalling from the oil and gas industries. What benefits the entire country does not benefit the very small number of people who are pocketing huge amounts of money from these scams, and [i]they're[/i] the ones with lobbying power in the lawmaking process, not you. Probably the greatest irony in this genius thread is that our senators' ability to be [b]bought[/b] is the reason this shit happens in the first place; yet you want us to send your thread to our senators and governors thinking they'll listen! They wouldn't even if your ideas were feasible. (And they're not feasible anyway.)