[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUwMDcwMC5XblZsWTJobElFRjFjMk5vSUVWdWRIcGxjZywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/punktype.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Well... diplomacy was out the window. Zueche had warned them beforehand, but if it had to come to slaughter, then he would oblige nonetheless. He raised the twin skulls before him, projecting them towards the Gleivnir footmen, and muttered in an irritated tone a small chant: [color=darkviolet]"Summon forth."[/color] As expected, the skulls began emitting an ominous purple fog, bringing with it whatever creature might come through, and quite possibly pausing the Gleivnir charge out of fear of the unknown. Zueche had used this tactic a great number of times beforehand, allowing the creature from another dimension to deal with the problems alongside him. He tended to befriend those who came across, funnily enough, however that was not always the case. Of course, presently this was not a time for pleasantries. In knowing this the Dark Mage revealed his most revered tome, Cleanse, and opened it without another word. Without looking toward what he had summoned, Zueche spoke the necessary statement. [color=darkviolet]"The creatures before you are trying to kill you. I will assist you in slaughtering them and send you back to your home, unless you wish to stay. I'll point out important figures who should avoid being harmed, if possible. In this case, try hurting those which look the same."[/color] With that said, Zueche used his free hand to 'extract' the knowledge of the tome and materialize it into magic, as he had done so many times before, and took aim. His enemies were far too close to miss, however also far too close for his liking, able to reach striking distance in a matter of moments. Without a second thought, he hurtled the spell forward, allowing the magic to crash into an opposing Gleivnir footman. He needed space more than anything, for Zueche was not a fan of taking hits similar to those he dished out. Aforementioned hits were typically rather bloody and painful, as what his book tended to do - tear the opposition to shreds. Having himself be cut to pieces wasn't something he was a fan of, and so Zueche broke off to the right in an effort to try and circle around towards the young girl and her royal escort. He would glance behind him occasionally to see if his opposition continued their advance, or had been taken out by his summon. One such glimpse caught him valuable information: the thunder wielder could also summon creatures. It made Zueche grin. [color=darkviolet][i]'I wonder what happens when two people summon an Otherworld creature in the same place...?'[/i][/color] For some reason, the Dark Mage couldn't help but wonder that question, as it lingered in the back of his mind.