[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjhiYjNkMC5VbVZ1SUUxdmVYSmguMAAA/douglas-adams-hand.regular.png[/img][hr][@PlatinumSkink][hr][/center] Was this man [i]serious[/i]? For whatever reason, Ren had latched onto the word cute mentally and had to hide her face so her blush couldn't be acknowledged by the two. The simple compliment ran through her head like a wildfire in an oil-coated forest: spreading so fast that it soon enveloped everything, burning up to incredible temperatures. However, like any fire, it was doused with a little coldness. Ewan's calm demeanor helped clear Ren's head, and she quickly recovered herself enough to stand, allowing Shyn to interact with Pikachu, but only if it didn't disturb anyone else in the area. She cleared her throat and nodded. [color=lightblue]"Yes, I am Ren. Ren Moyra. I'm not from Isson, and where I'm from, there are no contests. They intrigued me as I presumed them of the battle type, however they continue to prove intriguing as signs of incredible skills with ones Pokemon are still required. I'm curious to learn, since I've never been to one before."[/color] She managed to say so without stuttering, though the comment of being called cute still echoed in her mind, like the embers of the great fire before it. She made it a point for it to stay there. [color=lightblue]"I suppose you both wish to view the present contest? It appears one is about to start, after all."[/color] Ren really wasn't very good at conversation, however she had to at least be courteous. Besides, the two of them likely weren't as bad as initial thoughts lead her to believe, right? Shyn, meanwhile, was hopping about with Pikachu, also generating some static electricity and a faint glow as well. He showed off his impressive haircut, which made him look like an adorable edgelord.