[b]Monday, Early O'Clock[/b] One of the things they don't tell you about this place is that there's a little miniature kitchenette in the cafeteria, open to students who wanted to take their culinary pursuits into their own hands. As an early morning mind-waking exercise, I normally wouldn't recommend cooking, but... Well, that was just how it came to be. Maybe I wanted to do things my way after eating food prepared for me by others for weeks on end. Well, that sounds pretentious, but what I mean to say is I must have just had the urge to take back control of something for a change. Get my hands behind the wheels instead of someone or something else's, you know? I just need to go through motions. Two strips of bacon. No, three. Need energy. Haven't told family I'm here yet. While they render in their own fat, crack three eggs into a bowl and add some milk before whisking. They'd have probably appreciated if I did, but that didn't end up having the energy or wherewithal to make that happen after we trudged back into our dorm coming off the flight and end of the cruise. Flip bacon, toast up some whole wheat bread slices. So as far as they knew, I was still somewhere in the water between Vale and Mistral. Which meant that they were coming with the intent to wander around and wait on me. That was... Well, it was free time, if you looked at things from an especially hardened and mercenary perspective, but even at my lowest I wasn't a very heartless guy, so... Remove bacon, add eggs and scramble. So I wasn't going to treat it as such and blow everyone off simply because I could get away with it. I'd have to put a hold on picking my own brain and just enjoy the company of the people I hadn't seen in a while after growing up for 18 years with. Tansfer eggs, toast, and bacon to plate. Quickly wash every utensil and tool used in creation of breakfast. Picking my own brain would be on hold, yeah... As I walked into the cafeteria hall proper, I quickly came upon a now-familiar head of dark, long hair occupying a lonesome table. But, maybe not someone else's. [b]"Hey."[/b] [@Crimmy]