Many months ago Donald & Bethany Gravestone were kidnapped by evil men bent on saving their boss from justice. Their father refused to cave in to their demands. This resulted in a gestalt being that could split into the heroes Hawk & Dove. Donald nor Bethany were happy with Donald being in charge of her body when they were not fighting evil. Bethany was constantly nagging him to act like a proper lady, telling how to lead her life, and not to act like a man. Donald was living a feminine hell, especially a certain time of the month. Donald had to resort to wearing a Bluetooth headset at all times in public otherwise risking being locked up for being crazy, due to talking to his sister who had no corporeal form. At least she proved useful in the courtroom providing the legal counsel needed to maintain her job. This whole Starro invasion had them both on edge. The first incident in Charm City was at her law firm. It was under quarantine, luckily they were in court at the time and were not forced into quarantine. Bethany wanted to take the fight to the Starros and eradicate the menace from the planet. Donald wanted none of that their abilities had only been used against human scumbags. They never tested their abilities fully and always held back to prevent themselves from accidentally killing someone even if they deserved it.