[hider=Tush] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/48/ef/95/48ef95b2be05ba89db8407be4a6b1c12.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Tush Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Human Personality: Tush is arrogant, selfish and disdainful. He has no interest in the common man, or being good and evil. All he wants to do is fight, and kill strong people to prove himself. He is constantly playful, but very analytic, especially about others combat prowess. Currently he is joining the side fighting against the Tyrant, as the murder of everyone would leave him with no strong people to fight. Allignment: Chaotic Neutral Class: Unknown class of mage Equipment/powers: Tush's greatest athletic ability is his senses. He is very quick to notice someones presence nearby and his senses can keep up with the fastest of things, even though his body can't necessarily react to that speed. He has a decent amount of speed and strength. His magic ability is an ancient form of magic that centers around pushing without aid of the phyiscal body. As his only magic, he has trained extensively in this and has become quite good at it. Capable of pushing things in his environment using magic with great power. Although, the push don't do damage on their own, he can even use it to push other magic away. He doesn't wear any armor, but has a dagger and a bag full of caltrops and metal balls. History: Simply put, Tush is a mass murder. He has no other reason of existing outside of fighting strong people and being challenged. He is constantly on the lookout for someone strong, or someone with potential, so he can fight and kill them when they are the most powerful. He doesn't like murdering people that aren't capable of fighting, so refrains from killing average civilians. Since a young age he trained with a mage to learn his current magic ability. It was a weird relationship as he would challenge him every day and lose, until the mage slipped and got caught by Tush. Giving him his first murder at the age of fourteen. Starting from then he roamed to find strong people to fight and challenge for the next eleven years. Giving him a giant amount of experience to draw from, despite his unimpressive type of magic on paper. He has so many types of creative utilizations of his simple ability it has been said that he carries the fighting experience of a thousand men. As soon as he heard about the Hero turning evil and planning to kill everyone, he switched up to killing strong people on the side of the Tyrant. Partly because he doesn't wanna die, because he doesn't want all strong people to die, and partly because the strongest person he can imagine fighting is the tyrant. As this has been his current quest, he has been roaming the last two weeks to look for strong people on the side of the Tyrant to fight. [/hider] Sorry, can't find another good picture of a black guy but did change a bit more.