[@HereComesTheSnow] [B]Gratia Mindaro - Beacon Cafeteria (Monday, Early Morning ~6-7am)[/B] "[color=66cd00]Schwarz.[/color]" Onyx eyes glanced up from the banana, which she had been in the process of peeling, to greet the aforementioned boy's approaching form. It seemed that no matter where she went, she would find traces of Luke Schwarz awaiting her. Gratia had almost come to expect his presence; it was not an intolerable one, and with him also came the opportunity to find answers, no matter how inconsequential or trivial they could be. "[color=66cd00]You're awake,[/color]" she observed dispassionately, her cool tone detachedly hanging in the air. Her pale fingers pulled away at the skin of the fruit with dexterity and grace, with not a single motion wasted in revealing the white flesh of the banana to the world. Yet she didn't begin eating immediately, instead taking a moment to observe the strands of hair that protruded from the boy's head. It was, from almost every standpoint, an entirely pointless thing to study. But Gratia refused to allow its strange existence to go unquestioned, nor allow her classmate to deny its ability to move independently of him.