[quote=@Peik] pls no i want to keep referencing victorian era novels [/quote] Oh yeah m8, "Look hither, it's a house of seven gables" or "Is that vampire count from Monte Cristo", or "I knew this woman, Jane Eyre". Don't let context stop you, I've referenced Discworld probably four times and we're not even on flat planet riding on the back of four elephants atop of a cosmic turtle. [quote=@Peik] [i]My mind is blank, and my explanation is equally so.[/i] - Gcold Y'know this sounds wiser than what it tries to convey [/quote] Reminds me of buddhist Koans. [i] A monk asked Master Haryo, “What is the way?” Haryo said, “An open-eyed man falling into the well.”[/i]