[center][h3][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4084485]Red Vino[/url][/h3][/center] [center]Interacting with: [@Polaris North] Location: In team Room [/center] [hr] Red was watching the screen carefully, his mind slightly wandering with ideas how to use that stage to his advantaged. Maybe he could use his cravat to swirl up the confetti, well that is if he will be called to perform in this round. There were other pairs, he could easily imagine Law having a blast with that stage... Red smirked to his own pun when a poke made him jump slightly in surprise. Looking around there was his own partner, for a moment he watched her step away as if to give him some space? That was so adorable. He wanted to hug her for it and ruffle the top of her head. Maybe he will do it and kiss her cheeks as well, thougth she was a foreigner to the mediterranean, as such probably wasnt even aware how much personal space was ignored in this region. He resisted for the moment opting to be listening to her words as she folded her arms giving the impression as if she knew what was on his mind. [color=ed1c24] "Onto more... serious matters. I'm more of a support kind of idol. I can debuff my enemies and buff my allies... I can deal damage too but that isn't my main type." [/color] Red hummed moving his blond hair out his face. [color=fdc68a]"Well you saw a taste of one of my skill, roping people up in my world is my thing."[/color] He winked grinning wide. [color=fdc68a]"I can use them to stop dance based skills by interruption, and the longer one is roped up the more damage they are taking. I can pierce armor or shield to make them more vulnerable to my binding. Support would work great for me. What would you like me to during your song? " [/color] Red asked knowing that each of them will get their song played, and some prefered to be the stars during their image while others liked to have other idols in the background. He could simple protect her so she could get the most out her performance, or maybe be a background dancer for her. [color=fdc68a] "During my I would like to try and incorporate you. Nothing much, just to make you a part of the story. You may even get some cheers from my fans like that. Watching each other back goes without saying." [/color] As he was saying that he walked closer to her placing one hand on her shoulder and oncemore smiled, his free hand playing with the knot of his tie.