[@Crimmy] [b]Monday, Early O'Clock[/b] [b]"Somehow."[/b] Her ebon-colored gaze was unabashedly fixated upon the hereditary and completely normal ahoge again. My eyes are down here, ma'am. I know your fixation on hair has only been strengthened by seeing an Atlesian with glowing tips, but I honestly feel like this objectification is going way too far. There's a person attached to these locks, you know. Focusing way too much on certain physical features of somebody and borders upon fetishization, y'know. Don't put acknowledging me as a person in second place to my cowlick! Yeah, you heard it here first, folks. A squeaky-clean and innocent boy like me is subject to the depraved harassment of Gratia "That Glacier Needs to Simmer Down" Mindaro. I cracked myself up with these bits, honestly. Could totally do stand-up, but as things happen I'm done standing up. I sat down, and bit into a piece of the toast. A bit chewy, had it set too low for my taste. Welp. Better luck next time. Where was I? [b]"I guess crashing right as we get here'll do that. So,"[/b] I picked at my eggs. At least these turned out well. Nice and creamy. [b]"Your family planning on doing any of the events?"[/b] Unlike me, Gratia made sure that her family actually knew that she'd gotten in last night. Despite her blase appearance and frigid demeanor, she actually was a pretty responsible person. There are things besides applied physics that I could learn from her.