Anela’s words spurred a rather unflattering chiding from the other woman, who so little had made to impress that the act seemed almost studied and concerted to make her look inferior in looks and manners to the maitresse of the house. All the opulence of the setting, and the brightness of lights, and even the selected entrance, loaded with drama: Anela contended in her heart that she had truly discovered a brothel of the highest class, one where magic serves the purpose to astonish all senses. As if chanting with a voice that was a choir of children, the mistress, self-proclaimed Goddess of the nobles - and Anela was just that, a noble - did begin to speak in the noblewoman’s defense. To such words, Anela crossed her arms and turned to the other girl. Her look, with the nostrils showing from under the nose, and her chin protruding, was a monument to pride. He foot tapping lightly on the polished marble of the floor. See, she thought, that is exactly what I meant. Oh the magician! Not quite the highly sought maker of high fashion, neither a taylor talented with the finest of hands, but nonetheless a connoisseur of the art of teasing and enticing. Admiring the crafty art of revealing seemingly expensive furniture from what looked like ordinary oak crafts, the child that had once been Anela felt that innocent excitement returning, just as strong as when she first held a lark in her hand, and felt its heart beat through the feathers tight against her skin. Right then, as she gloated in triumph and waited to be presented with the prices for ever more intriguing personal favors that the house could offer, such as Anela had become accustomed to in the capital, she felt like an invisible hand quickly trespassing beyond her desires, or rather the warm trimming of a razor blade, glowing all over her body. She squeaked, and her arms, a moment earlier crossed on her chest, now stretched in the air. It was but the glance of a moment, for suddenly Anela had found herself tightly clad in a dress, the likes of which she had never seen before. Her breasts pressed like two grapefruits by a stiff bust, and her legs half bare, from the knee down, in a show of straight shins and silky skin. Her arms too, showing, almost to the shoulder, displaying lean muscles, and cured elbows, clean of the callous part that affects most peasants. There was a change in the girl too, that insolent thing at whom she had been staring earlier. A rather substantial change in her look, as if the grunting peasant had been replaced with a dancer of toned muscles, and elegant fabric. This girl had lovely proportioned feet, with but a blue vein rising, and twisting around the ankle, and then almost disappearing in the calf. Her arms too, well rounded, tight and dry, with square shoulders, and a light color. And her lips too, and her eyes, all seemed new, and deep with colors. Anela approached the silverwood furniture, she caressed the top with her bare palm, and she followed the line of the chairs. A few thousands of shields could perhaps buy one such, if any skilled woodworker could be found to imitate such curves, and to select the right wood. Her hand finally reached the clothes she had been wearing at the festival. She took the belt with the bronze buckle, and tied it to her waist, she pressed the mask aside and then let the tunic slide on the floor, where she kicked it away from her feet. “Crafty.” said Anela at last, containing her breath within the armor of fabric that clung to her, she turned to glance at the other girl, and returned her eyes to the shiny female “And wicked. You had my attention, now you have my curiosity. Speak then, what is up for the show?” She moved the chair, and pleased her bottom to accommodate on it. She turned again to the other girl, and lifting one finger in the air, she whispered behind the thin line of smirk “Just for your information, dear, I have seen hundreds of such shows. Always keep your mind keen, before you find you had to pay to hear your own voice. Question. Question. Question. And bring respect to those above your rank, in case you see one.” and concluded with a waving of hands, brief, but very theatrical.