[@BrokenPromise] And here we have another one to sacrifice to Lord Monokuma! [hider=Lucas Carsen] [centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/wWVOcKG.png[/img][/centre][b]■[color=abb3c8] N A M E [/color] ■[/b] [indent]Lucas Carsen[/indent] [b]■ [color=abb3c8]A G E[/color] ■[/b] [indent]Twenty-four[/indent] [b]■ [color=abb3c8]T A L E N T[/color] ■[/b] [indent]Infinite Paranormal Investigator [indent][sub]Lucas is no fake actor in front of a camera playing off historical sites as haunted for the pleasure of an audience. Lucas has extraordinary research skills; his near eidetic memory coming useful in cases like this. His skill with research helps him pick and choose the correct locations to investigate - and he does so alone and with no cameramen around. Why anger the spirits by involving one too many people, hm? On top of his memory and research skills, Lucas believes he can [i]sense[/i] otherworldly creatures whether they mean him harm or good, his gut is his most trusted "comrade".[/sub][/indent][/indent] [b]■ [color=abb3c8]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] ■[/b] [indent]Lucas's overall style is well put together, but casual. He has medium length, dark hair that is cut unevenly as if he does his hair himself without a mirror. His eyes are a deep red, and will often stare at anything- or anyone, without blinking for a while. His mouth is always turned up into a grin, sharp teeth visible, despite it not reaching his eyes, which give off an eerie vibe whether intentional or not. His style of dressing is simple: fitted dark trousers held up by a dark grey belt, dark military boots, and a long-sleeved pale t-shirt, with a simple black jacket with the sleeves, rolled up to expose his shirt sleeve. There are two chains that hang from his belt.[/indent] [b]■ [color=abb3c8]A F F L I C T I O N[/color] ■[/b] [indent]He [i]claims[/i] to have nothing bothering him, but the oddly shaped teeth marks across his left arm suggest otherwise.[/indent] [b]■ [color=abb3c8]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] ■[/b] [indent]Lucas comes across as a well-mannered young man with a lot of patience and charm. He always talks with a smile that never quite reach his eyes, and somehow knows what needs to be said or done to bring about a feeling of trust from others. Lucas isn't exactly quiet, but he often looks like he's thinking more than he's speaking. His thoughtful nature makes him look like a wise old man, and most of the time he'll never quite say what he's thinking unless the situation calls for it. When giving his opinions, Lucas can seem a little forceful, but tends to get along swimmingly with those that share the same ideals as him.[/indent] [b]■ [color=abb3c8]T R I V I A[/color] ■[/b] [indent][list][*]Lucas can smoke up to two packets of cigarettes per day and has no intention to stop anytime soon. [*] Lucas guides a group of like-minded people and [i]teaches[/i] them all that he knows about the paranormal. [*] He doesn't have a sweet-tooth. In fact, Lucas [i]abhors[/i] anything sweet, which is why most of his diet includes the salty or bitter stuff. Like salted pretzels or black coffee. Mainly coffee. No milk or sugar though, ew. [*][/list][/indent] [/hider]