[hider=Kestrel] [center][hider=The man behind the mask] [center][img]http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/abj7AAjIjh6oAUvLHGCsTA==/337488497093068723.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider][/center] [b][color=royalblue]Name:[/color][/b] Ian Tannen [b][color=royalblue]Group:[/color][/b] [color=lightsteelblue]Avia[/color] [b][color=royalblue]Position in group:[/color][/b] Leader [b][color=royalblue]Codename:[/color][/b] Kestrel [b][color=royalblue]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=royalblue]Appearance:[/color][/b] Kestrel is a rather striking man, who can dress up nicely in situations where he needs to, but tends to prefer casual attire. He aims for two toned T-shirts with jeans, but when formality is required he'll show up in a fitted black suit. His ears are pierced, but he usually only wears black studs, leaving them out more often than actually wearing them. With straight black hair and vibrant blue eyes, he has been known to attract a bit of positive attention in the past. However, behind his good looks, there is a cold steel about him, one that can silence crowds when sharply focused. At 6'2'', he can be pretty intimidating when faced one to one, his anger a petrifying thing. He is neither particularly muscular or scrawny. He bares very little resemblance to his sister. [b][color=royalblue]Personality:[/color][/b] For the most part, Kestrel is reclusive in his work despite being the leader of Avia. He spends most of his time within his own office, pouring over his files and keeping out of sight. However, when interaction does occur he is not unfriendly. In fact, he's rather charming. He willingly shows affections towards those under his employ, feeling responsible for them. He makes sure everyone follows his rules, his anger showing itself when he is disobeyed and bringing out a cruel and violent man. [b][color=royalblue]Background:[/color][/b] Not much is known about Kestrel, though a motivated soul might do some research and discover that there was once a boy by the name of Ian Fillian who grew up in sector four. His mother's maiden name was Tannen, first name Rosemary. The family was nuclear, with two children, Ian and his sister Hayden. The mother and her husband were both brutally murdered one night, with their son being the arrested for the deed, but released shortly after for unknown reasons. Whoever that boy was, the Ian in charge of Avia first made an appearance in sector two about four years ago. He started out with just him and his sister, trying to make a dent in the intense crime they were met with. After putting his detective skills to the test, Ian began hunting down what were perceived as the biggest threat: the serial killers. Sure, they recognized that what they were aiming for was incredibly hypocritical, but they told themselves they were killing with [i]reason[/i] and that was different. Very quickly, however, they came to realize that they could use the abilities of the people they hunted, pay them and set them loose on the crime dens of Sector two. After some of the other assassin groups began to be heard, Ian decided to take after them and switched to using codenames to hide themselves from scrutiny. Some of the older assassins might still know his name, but most have only heard of him as Kestrel. [b][color=royalblue]Leisure Activities:[/color][/b] Kestrel does not have any leisure time to speak of as he spends just about every moment of his waking hours researching crime within sector two. He knows he has to keep up in order to ensure none of his followers get bored and stir up their own trouble. Even with the rules, he'd rather not tempt fate, or rather, tempt the desires of other killers. So he works and works on all his cases and only stops sometimes to eat or sleep. If ever there is a time where he does have to himself, he enjoys going to a French bakery on the border of his sector and downtown where he sits and reads. [b][color=royalblue]Extra:[/color][/b] There is more to this man than meets the eye, or the reputation. Color: [color=royalblue]royalblue[/color] [/hider] [hider=Merlin] [center][hider=Asteroid Belt][img]https://em.wattpad.com/75a37e49315808c8e74bded3995d5ad668ce3762/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7642584a4270615a386d675368413d3d2d3234303230343732392e3134393563656532666261646564616334343337343632373933312e6a7067?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img][/hider][/center] [center][hider=The Sister][img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/27/7a/6f/277a6f35d5f55562c65c44d8d1b1f0e3.jpg [/img][/hider][/center] [b][color=tomato]Name:[/color][/b] Hayden Tannen [b][color=tomato]Group:[/color][/b] [color=lightsteelblue]Avia[/color] [b][color=tomato]Position in group:[/color][/b] Senior Assassin (second in command) [b][color=tomato]Codename:[/color][/b] Merlin [b][color=tomato]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=tomato]Appearance:[/color][/b] Hayden has an appearance vastly different from that of her younger brother. They had both been an almost perfect split. Ian was a replica of his father, minus his eyes and Hayden was a clone of their mother, minus the eyes. She has long wavy red hair, ruddy skin and an asteroid belt of freckles across her nose and various other areas on her body. Her grey eyes come from her father, metallic and cruel. She's less lean than her brother and much shorter, standing at 5'6'', yet she has this way that her scarlet lips curl, that shows she'd kill you dead in a heartbeat and [i]enjoy[/i] it. She likes to wear pretty dresses or skirts, even when she's on a hit. [b][color=tomato]Personality:[/color][/b] Hayden is a very effective foil of the rather amiable and friendly Kestrel. She's closed off, hateful and forms no real attachments to anyone. She won't talk to anyone but her brother unless it is absolutely crucial for a situation. Very little makes her happy outside of her brother's company, though she can fake it quite easily if she's ever motivated to do so. The only real emotion she ever seems to feel is anger, which often times flares up without any real warning. That fury is one thing she and her brother have in common. Though hidden inside with a key that only Ian has, there is a young woman that can form lasting attachments and experience feelings other than the one that blazes through her veins. Has a notable dependency on her brother, sometimes using minor manipulation techniques to make sure he doesn't leave her. [b][color=tomato]Background:[/color][/b] Throughout their lives, Hayden has followed her younger brother through anything and everything. They were forged under pressure and pain and their fates were merged infrangibly together from the first time they were brutalized. With that, Ian took charge as the level-headed one, the collected one, the emotional adept one. So when an incident happened with Hayden at the cusp of adulthood, Ian promised he would take care of it. And ever since then, he was always there to fix things. There was a time when Hayden's mentality was stabilized, but that moment when she released the demon of wrath she had so carefully locked away, she could never quite tuck him back into his dungeon. So anger ruled her life while she followed Ian and she followed that anger and they ended up in the Crime District of Match City, with much damage to be done. [b][color=tomato]Leisure Activities:[/color][/b] As Hayden grows tense and anxious when she has not been on a hit for a long time, her leisure activities tend to be distraction oriented. She enjoys going for runs in the warmer months, while visiting a gym once it gets cold. She also enjoys spending time with her brother, though that can only be loosely defined as an activity. For the most part, she sits in the same room as him and playing older DS games. [b][color=tomato]Extra:[/color][/b] Hayden was the first one to be subjected to Ian's killing for a reason rules, having made up excuses when they were younger for the men she had murdered. Ian never really believed her, but accepted her words anyway. Color: [color=tomato]Tomato[/color] [/hider] [hider=Fledgling] [center][hider=Broken Bird][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/b1f1/f/2014/261/5/6/561d149890b62333c8c60524e8dec2fb-d7zobgl.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [center][h3]"[color=mediumorchid]Not one of us got here without a few scars.[/color]"[/h3][/center] [b][color=mediumorchid]Name:[/color][/b] Arrion Belane [b][color=mediumorchid]Group:[/color][/b] [color=lightsteelblue]Avia[/color] [b][color=mediumorchid]Position in Group:[/color][/b] Senior Assassin [b][color=mediumorchid]Codename:[/color][/b] Fledgling [b][color=mediumorchid]Age:[/color][/b] Uncertain, early 20's [b][color=mediumorchid]Appearance:[/color][/b] An attractive young man who bares an abundance of scars. He's a man with an easy smile and a light of curiosity and mischief in his eyes. His hair and irises share a similar honey shade. His hair is longer on top and shorter at the sides, occasionally blocking his vision. He has three prominent scars on his face, two across his right cheek and the other down his lips. He has more scarring along his left side, this one from burns. He's more muscular than some of his lither groupmates, shows it through tight, long-sleeved t-shirts. Has a bit of a peter pan-esque charm to him. [b][color=mediumorchid]Personality:[/color][/b] Generally has a sick sort of humor, Arrion is able to find amusement in most scenarios with a loud, bubbling laugh. It behaves as a sort of front, underneath it he has a sensitivity to most emotions of others, one that can be more than a curse with his line of work. He's rather childish generally, adoring pranks but shying away from anger and punishment. He's rash, doesn't take the time to make clear plans and relies on instinct more than anything else. He's also a bit of a romantic, quick to spot someone and spark an attraction for them, but when it comes to it has a difficult time forming attachments. Only seems to be close to Kestrel and Merlin. [b][color=mediumorchid]Background:[/color][/b] A child of abuse, Arrion was very, very angry. He had a very short stint as a blitz killer, taking out authority figures that reminded him of his abuser, but never his parent. When Kestrel got a hold of him, he was one of the firsts. Definitely the youngest. Eventually, Kestrel brought down his abuser with his aid and ever since then, Arrion has been a full member of Avia. Since he was there from the beginning, he was also there for all the mistakes and those just add to the scars he previously bore, his rashness and Avia's general inexperience taking their toll. He had a girlfriend once, almost killed her. Reports say she lives in the fourth district now. [b][color=mediumorchid]Extra:[/color][/b] Fledgling gets his nickname from his young age when first entering into Avia and also from being close to the first person that Kestrel welcomed into the group. It's pretty outdated at this point, but Kestrel adamantly insists that he keeps it. Color: [color=mediumorchid]mediumorchid[/color] [/hider] [hider=Cross][center][hider=The 'do][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/83/73/79/837379280f038abca2a3c7741aa576bd.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=The determined][img]https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1uatWKpXXXXcdXVXXq6xXFXXXQ/digital-font-b-art-b-font-font-b-video-b-font-games-Parasite-Eve-women-4.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][color=teal]Name:[/color][/b] Olivia Castillo [b][color=teal]Group:[/color][/b] [color=darkslategray]Black Cats[/color] [b][color=teal]Position in group:[/color][/b] Assassin, Owner of The Black Cat Lounge [b][color=teal]Codename:[/color][/b] Cross [b][color=teal]Age:[/color][/b] 31 [b][color=teal]Appearance:[/color][/b] A slight woman, short and scrawny in stature. She reaches no higher than 5'4'' and less than 120 pounds. She is not a woman who could easily win a hand-to-hand encounter, not without some practiced cheating and dirty tricks. She has short black hair that is longer on one side and often overtakes most of her face. Her skin is a warm olive tone with deep brown eyes. She likes to hold an appearance of wealth, constantly wearing a pair of pearl earrings she received from her absentee father. Olivia can be swayed easily by fine dresses, perhaps a little too vain for her own good. She has a tattoo of a black cat on the back of her neck. [b][color=teal]Personality:[/color][/b] Olivia Castillo is a woman running entirely off of fire and feeling. She does not let anyone tell her what to do unless she feels it is within her own interest. She is more than willing to start a confrontation, getting up in arms at many small provocations, yet at the same time some of the big things don't seem to phase her at all. She is fiercely defensive of those that she feels are under her care and will fight to the death over them. Unfortunately, she is rather vain and also greedy. She desires to look pretty and sit pretty all at once, wanting the best life for herself and then by default a better life for those close to her. She is clever, tricky and does not believe in a fair fight. Or, at least, to her a fair fight is each member of the fight doing absolutely everything and anything they can to win. So you better watch out for her claws, because she holds nothing back. [b][color=teal]Background:[/color][/b] Olivia was born from two immigrants from Spain who moved to Cade City before she was born. When she was young, her father and mother got a divorce and her father took her away to the complete opposite side of the country, to Match. It was there that her father drew back from her, leaving her much on her own. Their economic class had tanked after separation from her mother and she was cast into a hungry life. Picking up a few thieving habits, she began to escalate as her situation grew more bleak and her anger grew more consuming. After brutalizing a young woman during a home invasion, she needed a place to lay low and avoid more attention. Ducking into an old run down bar, she didn't realize that she would soon be spending most of her spare time in the place, making friends with the owner and staff. After a few years, the aging owner passed away, leaving behind the Black Cat Lounge to Olivia. With that, she formally cut off all ties to her father and began her new life. When a new face stumbles into her bar with a need for shelter just as she had as a young woman, she accepted and soon found many more ghouls haunting her bar. [b][color=teal]Leisure Activities:[/color][/b] She focuses most of her time working on her bar, making sure it is a legitimate business so that no suspicious came over the Black Cats. Still, she does try and treat herself from time to time, going shopping with the extra cash she earns. [b][color=teal]Extra:[/color][/b] Her father is still alive, works as a janitor at one of the sector five businesses. She is trilingual, fluent in English, Spanish and American Sign Language. The previous owner of The Black Cat Lounge was hard of hearing, bordering on full on deaf, deciding to teach it to her. She uses it sometimes to try and signal other members of the Black Cats, attempting to teach them at least a few basics signs. She has two sisters that she hasn't seen since they were less than five years old, her mother a well respected doctor in Cade City. Her name comes from a small cross necklace her mother gave her before she was swept from her life. With the activities she does, she doesn't feel she has the right to wear it, but has it framed up at the bar. Color: [color=teal]teal[/color][/hider] [hider=Fortune] [center][hider=A rare smile][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6282/d473f08f0edb597e1130f40116c5aaf0f2521e0f_hq.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][color=darkolivegreen]Name:[/color][/b] Casey Whitter [b][color=darkolivegreen]Group:[/color][/b] [color=hotpink]Familia[/color] [b][color=darkolivegreen]Position in group:[/color][/b] Newbie [b][color=darkolivegreen]Codename:[/color][/b] Wheel of Fortune (X) [b][color=darkolivegreen]Age:[/color][/b] 22 [b][color=darkolivegreen]Appearance:[/color][/b] A young looking man with nervous cinnamon eyes. He rarely wears a smile, but when he does, it drains all the fear from his irises and he shines with near angelic radiance. He has pale blonde hair and creamy skin, his body scrawny but firm if you test his muscles. He tends to hide it beneath large coats and slightly baggy pants, fighting against the heat often. He stands at 5'11", almost awkward in his own height. His body has evidence of scarring if ever exposed. [b][color=darkolivegreen]Personality:[/color][/b] Casey has been nervous his entire life, his veins buzzing with anxiety at a daily frequency. Most situations cause him great fear, interactions with other humans ranking as probably the highest. He's extremely quiet in most conversations, preferring to listen and observe than make his own contributions. When he does speak, it comes out as a thoughtless rush of words and he's commonly regretting everything he has said. He has strong morals ad a desire to protect others, despite his general fear of everything in existence. The only time he's truly calm and settled in his own skin is wen he's out on a hit. Crouched outside a known child molester's house, he can finally catch his breath while his mind clears of the chronic tempest. He knows he is capable of this, that this is one confrontation he can handle. He's cold-blooded and effective in his killing. On the off chance one is actually able to hold a conversation with Casey, he shows himself to be overly polite and obsesses over not upsetting his speaking partner. He'll apologize or shift topics in a heartbeat if he senses his words being taken negatively, anything to placate animosity towards himself. Yet, he has a tendency to overshare, gushing until his mind catches up with his tongue and he grows embarrassed again. [b][color=darkolivegreen]Background[/color][/b] Like said above, Casey has been nervous his entire life. When he was a child, he lived in Prewland, a city located near the great lakes. His father was gone more often than not as a very active member of the military. He only seemed to come back in order to scold his son for being weak and put him into yet another intensive self-defense course. He went through just about the same level of combat training a real soldier might be subjected to, learning how to load, care for and fire many different kinds of firearms and handle many different kinds of combat situations. He spent more time grappling with his absentee father than speaking with him. Casey was homeschooled all the way through primary school, the courses designed by his father but implemented by his mother. His mother was young, too young to raise an only child practically on her own. She'd resort to yelling above any other parenting technique so Casey grew obsessive with his responsibilities so she never had a reason to yell. The family was super charged with black and white morality, his father righteous in his belief that he protected the country and his family every day he left them. He worked hard to ingrain that thought into Casey's head, that his only worth comes from his ability to protect. Past this, the records get unclear. He entered school normally enough, but while progressing through high school its reported that he suffered a paranoid psychotic episode that ended in him shooting a man in the stomach with one of his father's shotguns. He was admitted to a psychiatric facility for observation by a judge's ruling and was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder was well as Schizophrenia. Eventually he made his way into Match City, though there aren't any reports of him checking out of the facility. There, already fractured and broken by the sights of Prewland, he found an even darker, grimier city and looked for absolutely any way to show his self worth. [b][color=darkolivegreen]Leisure Activities:[/color][/b] Casey aims for anything that can either keep him calm (relaxation techniques, meditation, coloring books), or something that can fill up his mind and distract him from everything else (loud music, video games, television). [b][color=darkolivegreen]Extra:[/color][/b] He [i]violently[/i] denies his diagnosis with Schizophrenia and strongly advocates for mental health awareness and treatment. Color: [color=darkolivegreen]darkolivegreen[/color] [/hider] [Hider=Rook] [center][Hider=The Bellhop][img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Kyle.Broflovski.600.1842531.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][color=goldenrod]Name:[/color][/b] Owen Cale [b][color=goldenrod]Group:[/color][/b] [color=gold]Royals[/color] [b][color=goldenrod]Position In Group:[/color][/b] Newbie (Sorta), Bellhop [b][color=goldenrod]Codename:[/color][/b] Black Rook [b][color=goldenrod]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=goldenrod]Appearance:[/color][/b] Just a kid with a face that makes him appear even younger than it should. He's rather small, standing only around 5'6'' with barely enough weight to keep him planted on the ground. His hair is a stunning scarlet, his eyes an attractive jade and his face is decorated with light freckles. He's seen most often in his uniform, but whenever off work he prefers simple t-shirts, or plaid and skinny jeans. His ears are pierced and he has a rose tattoo on his forearm. [b][color=goldenrod]Personality:[/color][/b] At first meeting, Owen is a happy kid. He's all smiles when a guest steps through the door to the King's Reprieve and the first one to bounce right up to them and aid them with all their baggage. There is not a worker at the hotel that is quite as friendly or amiable, where not a complaint has been issued to him. This is due entirely to the fact that Owen is a personality built of clay, ready to be molded and pinched into any sort of shape that is required of him. He can be polite and distant, friendly and loud or even gossipy and catty depending on the type of guest he is faced with, or the type of hit. He's incredibly good at reading people due to this and knows what sort of person they need. When confronted with questions about himself, what he's really like, who he is, what are his preferences one can bring him to confusion. Such questions are obsolete as all that is important is that he can be who he needs to be to get what he needs to get. [b][color=goldenrod]Background:[/color][/b] Owen is the child of a very young, poor maid that worked for the King's Reprieve to support her and her son. She was a single parent and they struggled, but survived for a time. However, Owen was an unhappy child, growing up within the richest hotel around but not having access to any of the luxuries thrown in his face. He spent much of his childhood roaming the halls and getting into all kinds of trouble until he discovered how to lie and behave to avoid issues. He learned that he could play the guests of the hotel for gifts, whether he had to be lost and pathetic with giant crocodile tears for the bleeding heart philanthropists or simply sweet and innocent for the oldies that weren't able to spoil their own grandchildren enough. He was a bit of a pest, but always managed to duck out of there just in time to avoid any consequence (well, almost always). It wasn't long until he discovered what was happening within the confines of the hotel, that the "Royals" he heard cursed by any person that he spoke to were based within those very walls. And it didn't take him long either to ensure that he had a spot, that he got paid. He had no qualms with stoking egos or enabling power plays to get it. [b][color=goldenrod]Leisure Activities:[/color][/b] He hasn't quite given up on his swindling habits and will spend a lot of his off hours still making rounds throughout the room, offering tea and big doe-eyes. He also enjoys going down to the bar and snagging a few drinks whenever he can. Usually, this is done by inducting himself into various drinking games with the younger crowd, his age leading them to doubt his ability to hold a shot. [b][color=goldenrod]Extra:[/color][/b] He's pretty gay. Color: [color=goldenrod]goldenrod[/color] [/hider] [hider=Helianthus] [center][hider=Sunflower][img]http://i.imgur.com/FIJzQSi.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][color=sienna]Name:[/color][/b] Douglas Imes [b][color=sienna]Group:[/color][/b] [color=darkseagreen]Belladonna[/color] [b][color=sienna]Position in Group:[/color][/b] Assassin [b][color=sienna]Codename:[/color][/b] Helianthus [b][color=sienna]Age:[/color][/b] 34 [b][color=sienna]Appearance:[/color][/b] Wavy dark brown hair overtakes Douglas's crown, often times leaking over his eyes when he's not paying enough attention to taming it. His face is sharp lines and pale accents. His eyes are the kind of oaken brown that shields are made of, letting no one in to see the soul they say is hidden behind. He's tall, 6'1'' and unmovable, rooted in the ground. [b][color=sienna]Personality:[/color][/b] Douglas is a quiet man with determination. He gets any job set in front of him done, without complaint, without worry and without issue. He's a problem solver, relying on himself and only himself to get jobs done and not worrying about branching out to other sources. He's laconic in speaking and tells even less through expression and body language. He's reserved amongst the other members of the group, but not specifically [i]unfriendly[/i], just markedly making no effort to get to know anyone else. He has minor Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, enough that he can function at his job and his love life without much issue. It helps him ensure there are no loose ends. None of this means that he does not have his own pleasures that he can enjoy and in fact is rather romantic. [b][color=sienna]Background:[/color][/b] Douglas's background is nothing so special. He grew up by a park in the first district of Match City. Climbed the trees while his mother smoked cigarettes and spoke with Arlene Huntington three doors down. Arlene had a kid named William -[i]Billy[/i]-, but Billy was always eating snacks and always chewing so loudly Douglas wanted to punch his teeth out. Douglas liked to keep things neat and tidy, even had a habit of making something messy just so he could clean it. Though as his conditioned worsened later in life, he couldn't handle that anymore and simply focused on orderliness. As a younger man, he was pulled into a small gang working out of the area. He was efficient and had no qualms with killing in any way requested. He had no passion for killing, but it paid well and he was good at it so he didn't seen any reason to struggle his way through alternative paths. The first kill was hard, but since then he's compartmentalized it enough to not have the conflict of heart he might have had before. It was around this time, that he met a girl who accepted his request to a date and hasn't denied him one since. They live together now in an apartment far away from the house he was born in and the house Billy Huntington still lives in. Once Belladonna staked its claim to the area, Douglas moved with the flow and went to get paid under new management. [b][color=sienna]Leisure Activities:[/color][/b] He spends most of his free time with his girlfriend. They like to go to the cinema together. [b][color=sienna]Extra:[/color][/b] Douglas prefers to use guns as his weapon since they're much less personal, however if he is asked to use other methods he will do so. Poison isn't nearly as bad as some other possibilities, though he finds the effort a little unnecessary. His girlfriend works at a plant nursery and was actually the one that heard about Belladonna first, going to inform Douglas. She keeps their house blooming and is fully aware of his illegal activities. She'll always be his alibi, dedicated to him. Color: [color=sienna]sienna[/color] [/hider]