[hider=James Scott "Hermes"] [center][h3][b]Jaunt[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] James Scott [b]Alias:[/b] Jaunt [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Loyalty:[/b] Protectorate [b]Appearance:[/b] James is around 6' 1" (185cm) with hazel eyes. He is in excellent physical condition. James is very clearly black, and no one with common sense would confuse his ethnicity. His body is littered with scars, with a particularly strong concentration covering his legs. A prominent scar traces the left side of his jaw, and is almost impossible to miss. Despite his imposing figure, his presence is anything but. He seems to be the kind of person that stands next to someone important; not intimidating or good at capturing attention by himself. [b]History:[/b] On May 3rd 1970 James Scott was born to two loving parents in a middle class neighborhood. His childhood in Denver was better than he would've thought to ask for, his parents always supportive. During elementary school James played every sport he could, though that got reduced to basketball and baseball during middle school. Competition more than skill kept James interested in these sports all the way to high school, though in his junior year he was dropped from both sports because of a leg injury. This shook Jame's confidence significantly, and during senior year he played no sports. Unfortunately his track record when it came to school was significantly worse than his athletic achievements. The day before graduation James applied to and was accepted into the Army, deciding it was the best options considering how few Universities were available as an option. His service was less than remarkable, but he did well enough that he was able to leave the Army after five years with significant funds saved up. He headed back to Denver and had a brief fling with an old classmate before breaking up with her and applying to a position law enforcement. James was given a position which managed inventory, at his own request. During his three years at this job, under completely unprovable yet mysterious circumstances, various pieces of riot control gear went missing. James met his wife during his third year as an employee of the police station. Christina Jones (who soon became Christina Scott after their marriage) was a secretary at the time. They hit it off instantly, both immediately falling for each other. James stubbornness was only matched by Christina's loving patience, and after two years together James proposed. Right after James and Christina met, James applied to be switched to an actual law enforcement position. For his loyal service he was immediately granted this request. Christina and James were married in the summer of 1996, three days after Jams turned 26. Christina, who was 29 at the time, was relieved to be married before she turned 30, though James hadn't even thought of it. Employment as a police officer went superbly for James, as he quickly climbed the ranks, often being transferred to higher paying areas and positions. In the midst of planning for a kid, a routine doctors visit revealed Christina had almost certainly terminal brain cancer. Days passed with difficulty, as they both knew they hadn't have the funds to treat her. Resigned James watched his wife die before his very eyes. Visits to the hospital came and went, and within a year Christina didn't even recognize him anymore. James cried himself for sleep for months, until he finally stop telling her who he was. Christina's first guess, depending on the day, was normally that James was her father. Jame's wife passed away in the summer of 2003. Time didn't seem to proceed after that, his life a well structured routine that only toiled away the days till his death. James never spent money on himself during this time, only storing it for a seemingly nothing. By sheer luck James discovered the existence of Cauldron, and tracked them down. After meeting with a contact, he paid the price to become a parahuman. Despite the funds he had accumulated, James still owes Cauldron a favor, as he didn't want to spend his entire livelihood on powers. Upon obtaining the artificial powers, James quit his job, made some adjustments to the riot agent gear he had knicked years ago, and started working for cash as a mercenary. [center][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Motivations:[/b] it's not as simple as that, especially for James. He doesn't have a particular goal in mind in his day to day life, something he wakes up to with the idea of getting a step further in that direction. He lives, not quite for the experience of living, but because he wants to avoid the much more common alternative. Creature comforts could be one of the few things Jaunt genuinely strives for, but he doesn't get attached to them, just to what they provide. [b]Sexuality:[/b] heterosexual [b]Likes:[/b] [list][*]Gambling [*]TCGs [*]Competition in sports[/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list][*]Stereotyping [*]Gender roles [*]Small talk[/list] [b]Derangement:[/b] There isn't much of a derangment when it comes down to it, as he did not trigger naturally. He has become more concerned with his general fitness, but that could hardly be called a derangment. [center][h3][b]Parahumanism[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] James was been trained in various forms of self defense during his time in the service, and as a police officer. He has a strong mental fortitude, and is very good at intimidating those he needs to. [b]Classification:[/b] Mover [b]Details:[/b] James can teleport relative to earth to almost any location he has an understanding of the position of. Seeing a photograph of a place wouldn't be enough for him to teleport to said location, but a photograph and marked map would be. James is not bound by the Manton effect, and as such is able to teleport his own body into organic and inorganic surfaces. While making physical contact with someone James can choose to teleport with them, though he is not required to. James can also 'queue' teleports, choosing what locations to teleport to in sequence, though he only remains for a fourth of a second. There is time before his arrival after he teleports before his arrival, that grows larger the farther he is teleporting. The time between teleportation and arrival is measured in seconds and is about one-hundredth the linear distance in meters. During this downtime, James is suspended in a feeling of nothingness, not unlike a sensory deprivation chamber. Anyone James teleports also experience this loss of sensation, though it lasts longer for them than it does for James. [b]Limitations:[/b] Jame's power damages his body (mostly his legs) as he teleports. It seems to do damage to his body as if he ran the distance, but with a significant reduction of one-fifth. It calculates the distance by drawing a line from his current position and his destination, without factoring in acceleration, terrain, or how damaged his body already is. Jame's power does give him a general sense of what kind of damage a teleport will do to him, but it is a very vague feeling and can be unreliable depending on the day. 'Queuing' teleports damages his body more (as if he ran one-fourth the distance as opposed to one-fifth). Teleporting inside an organic object is very likely to kill James, as he does not destroy organic matter he teleports into, but instead it mixes with his flesh. Teleporting his arm inside of somebody is almost certain to give him an infection, and without immediate surgery he would be very likely to die. [b]Equipment:[/b] James has a full set of [url=http://www.galls.com/photos/styles/TE583_500_1.JPG]riot gear[/url] (w/o helmet) from his time as managing a specific station of Denver's police station's inventory. He wears a [url=http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mLiAm4CN7hYWdacpQ7TeRIw.jpg]gas mask[/url]. A [url=http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/muO2NWNQkbE7Wsglsu86eyw.jpg]protective tinted shield[/url] covers his upper face, but it has a hole in the middle to go around the gas mask's filter while still protecting his cheeks. Jame's identity is masked by this dark glass, so it serves a dual purpose. The rest of his body is extremely armored restricting him from motions that are too fast, but also protecting him from small arms fire, and blunt force trauma. On top of all that it is quite intimidating. In the way of weapons James has a compact baton, four tear gas grenades, and a Beretta 92 (Version A1) with an under mounted flashlight, and pepper spray. [/hider]