[hider=Ashanti Howard] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sajwxYV.jpg[/img] [sub][b]"[i]Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. [/i]"[/b] —Albert Einstein[/sub][/center][hr][hr] [color=black][b][u]Name: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Ashanti Nicole Howard[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Nickname: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][i]Shawn[/i]. Her entire family has been calling her Shawn since she was younger, which is just a shortened version of her first name. She'll introduce herself as such unless in a professional environment.[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Date of Birth: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]January 15th, 1995[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Age: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Twenty-Two[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Gender: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Sexuality: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Bisexual[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Relationship Status: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Sexually Active: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Yes[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Occupation: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Bartender[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Hometown: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Brooklyn, New York[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Ethnicity: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]African-American[/indent] [color=black][b][u]In Depth Appearance: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Shawn stands at a mere five feet, two inches tall. She has curves in all the right places; her waist is slim and her hips wide. Her muscles are well defined and toned, however, as a result of weekly strenuous physical activity. Her clear, glowing skin is the color of cinnamon, and her curly black hair falls just below her shoulders. She prefers to keep her hair in a braided protective style, allowing her hair to grow. There is a dull scar on her left eyebrow, which she tends to cover up with makeup. Her eyes are large and almond shaped, the brown of the iris so dark that it almost appears to be black. Her eyes are fringed with long, thick lashes. She sometimes wears thick, black rimmed glasses solely because she thinks they complement her well. She has a perfectly straight nose, of which one of her friends described as a "Ski Slope," and perfectly arched, dark eyebrows. Her face is heart-shaped; she has high cheekbones and a pointed chin. Her lips are full and always covered with a clear lip gloss. When smiling, you can see that she has two rows of perfectly whitened teeth, a slight overbite present. Shawn's style of dress can be summarized as "Urban Fashion," an edgy look that reflects lifestyle, attitudes and individuality. She prefers to go to thrift shops to find clothes that she can make into something new. Not being a big fan of flashy jewelry, you'll only ever see her wear a ring on her left middle finger, which was given to her by an old friend. She has helix piercings, conch piercings, tragus piercings, and lobe piercings in both of her ears. She has a septum piercing, as well. Shawn has a large number of tattoos covering her arms, neck, left leg, and a few more in hidden areas. She plans on getting more.[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Hobbies: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Painting/Drawing [*]Knitting [*]Singing[/list] [/indent] [color=black][b][u]Habits: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Nail biting [*]Excessive use of profanity [*]Saying “Um” after every other word[/list] [/indent] [color=black][b][u]Likes: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Tattoos [*]Buying new art supplies [*]Thunderstorms [*]Old-School Hip-Hop and Gangsta Rap [*]Horror Movies [*]Social Media [*]Alcohol/Marijuana[/list] [/indent] [color=black][b][u]Dislikes: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Romance Movies/Novels [*]Most of her family members [*]Racism/Bigotry/Homophobia/etc. [*]Chocolate Candies [*]Waking up too early [*]Crowded areas [*]Country Music[/list] [/indent] [color=black][b][u]Fears: [/u][/b][/color] [indent] [list][*]Infinity [*]Pain[/list] [/indent] [color=black][b][u]Personality: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Shawn is a seemingly calm and sweet girl, yet is by no means a pushover. She can very much take care of herself, but is smart enough to know when to pick a fight and when to let something go. She is someone who isn't weighed down by the troubles of everyday life, is not restricted by other people's opinions, and is always herself regardless of the situation. She craves adventure, thrills, and new things. Shawn is also very observant, and tends to notice things about her surroundings that others may not. It's very easy for her to read and/or figure out other people. Having grown up with a large number of male friends and cousins, Shawn considers herself to be a bit of a "Tomboy." She'd much rather spend her time playing basketball or chilling with the guys than hanging out with girlfriends. Although Shawn prefers to keep to herself and stay quiet, when in a confident mood, she can be very charismatic and outgoing. Shawn is confident in herself and her actions, often to a fault. She is very opinionated, has trouble asking for help, and hates admitting when she's wrong. When things don't go as she planned or in a positive direction, she can get frustrated very easily. Shawn has a bit of a "potty mouth," and uses profanity even when she isn't trying to. She also has a lot of trouble controlling her temper, and whenever someone pushes her to her limit, she'll snap; it will often result in her yelling a large number of obscene words, throwing objects, and even going as far as to get physical.[/indent] [color=black][b][u]Background: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Shawn was born in Brooklyn, NY. There she was raised by her single mother, Jasmine Howard, and her Aunt Tina. Her father, Terrell, left the picture before Shawn was born. Although the family lived on the "wrong side of the tracks," Shawn's guardians always worked their hardest to provide for their little girl. While her mother was working during the day as a waitress, her Aunt was working all night as a security guard. With their combined income, the family managed to pay the rent of their small, two bedroom apartment in full each month without the help of any other family members. Shawn had a seemingly normal childhood. She had a nice handful of friends, always did her best in school, and even joined a basketball team during the Summers to keep herself in shape. By her Senior year in high school, Shawn was the star point guard of the girls' basketball team, had a 4.0 GPA, and had a pretty promising future. That is, until she met [i]Terrance[/i]. Terrance was your usual high school burnout, the boy who everyone knew was going to end up either working at Taco Bell, in prison, or dead by the time he was twenty-one. She met him at a party, and the two of them instantly bonded over their same tastes in music. Pretty soon, Shawn found herself cutting class, smoking weed, and getting into more trouble than ever before. Though their relationship was strictly platonic, Shawn could easily say that Terrance brought out the best and worst of her. It was with him that she realized how much she loved creating art or singing more than she enjoyed playing basketball. It was with him that she remembered what it was like to let loose and have fun again. Against her mother and aunt's wishes, Shawn decided [i]not[/i] to accept a Basketball scholarship to NYU. Instead, after she graduated high school, she got a job at a local club bussing tables. After taking a few classes, she eventually worked her way up to bartending. Every now and then she'll perform at the club with Terrance and his band in order to make some extra cash. She has not spoken to her family since she was eighteen. It took a great deal of convincing for Shawn to finally audition for The Real World. Of course, being the laid-back, low-key person that she was, she wasn't so sure that she was ready for all of the [i]drama[/i]. She was, however, eager to go on a new "adventure." Both Terrance and Shawn auditioned for the show. During the interview process, everything just sort of [i]flowed[/i] for Shawn; she was one-hundred percent herself. She was very surprised once she got news that she'd been chosen to join the show and Terrance hadn't. [/indent] [color=black][b][u]Miscellaneous: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Grey's Anatomy is the greatest show ever.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Shawn's Relations] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nqNQHpq.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][color=949494][abbr=Acquaintances]⚜[/abbr][/color] [color=0fac6c]||[/color] [color=white][abbr=Neutral]☯[/abbr][/color] [color=0fac6c]||[/color] [color=68de4c][abbr=Friends]☮[/abbr][/color] [color=0fac6c]||[/color] [color=4c9dde][abbr=Best Friends]♫[/abbr][/color] [color=0fac6c]||[/color] [color=de4c88][abbr=Love Interest]♥[/abbr][/color] [color=0fac6c]||[/color] [color=ac0f4f][abbr=Boyfriend/Girlfriend]⚤[/abbr][/color] [color=0fac6c]||[/color] [color=black][abbr=Enemies]☠[/abbr][/color][hr] [color=489cba][b]C H R I S T I N E C H U[/b][/color] {[color=949494]⚜[/color]} [i][color=black]"I don't talk to her that often,"[/color] Shawn said with her eyebrow raised, [color=black]"I mean, not as much as I've talked to some of the others. She seems like a pretty cool chick, though."[/color][/i] Shawn and Christine are acquaintances. Simple as that. They'll speak to each other, of course, when in a group conversation or whenever Shawn decides to get to know more about her homeland, but so far they just haven't really gotten around to thoroughly getting to know each other. [color=0fac6c][b]C A S I M I R L I P I Ñ S K I[/b][/color] {[color=68de4c]☮[/color]} [i][color=black]"I swear if I hear Casimir playing [u][i]Jolene[/i][/u] one more god damn time..."[/color] Shawn stared directly into the camera, her face fixed in a scowl, before throwing her head back and laughing hysterically.[/i] From the very first week of their stay in the house, the two have bonded over their similar interests and backgrounds. He also knows how to just let loose and have careless fun, something that she really enjoys. Although their arguments about what music to play in the lounge is never ending, the two of them seem to be casual friends. [color=7FFFD4][b]A M B R O S E Z E L A Y A[/b][/color] {[color=white]☯[/color]} [i][color=black]"Hmm,"[/color] Shawn says with her hand on her chin, [color=black]"I don't think I've ever had a real conversation with Ambrose."[/color][/i] Shawn had always had a very respectful attitude towards Ambrose, despite the two of them never conversing. She can definitely relate to living a hard life in the city and falling in with the wrong crowd, and hopes that one of these days they'll get around to speaking. [color=00CED1][b]C A L E B A N D E R S O N[/b][/color] {[color=68de4c]☮[/color]} [i][color=black]"Yeah, he's pretty easy on the eyes,"[/color] Shawn says, her cheeks turning a light shade of red as she looked down at her fingernails. [color=black]"But he's a real chill kind of guy. I think we make good friends."[/color][/i] Shawn and Caleb have similar interests, singing being one of them. Whenever Shawn finds herself humming or singing to herself, she can almost always count on Caleb to sing with her. Sure, they'll "flirt" here and there, but overall the two of them make really good friends. [color=ed1c24][b]A L L Y E S T R A D A[/b][/color] {[color=black]☠[/color]} [i]Shawn stared straight into the camera, her arms folded across her chest. [color=black]"I don't know what the hell her problem is,"[/color] she said bluntly, [color=black]"I thought we were cool at first, but then shit just started changing."[/color] Ashanti glances at the tile floor before muttering a few inaudible words.[/i] Like the majority of those in the house, Ally and Shawn started off with a neutral relationship. Over time, however, the two of them gradually started to dislike each other. They clash; while being similar in a few ways, the girls just have completely opposite perspectives, beliefs, and interests. A few side looks and snide remarks later, and the two can barely stand being in each others presence. [color=92278f][b]L I L Y W O N G[/b][/color] {[color=949494]⚜[/color]} [i][color=black]"Ugh,"[/color] Shawn groaned in disgust as she took another sip from her water bottle, [color=black]"You mean the [b]Patriots[/b] fan? God."[/color][/i] Shawn and Lily are acquaintances. Although the two girls don't seem to have much in common, Shawn loves Lily's energy and bubbly personality. She also loves that if she ever needed someone to binge watch Netflix shows with, Lily would be her girl. The only reason, right now, for trouble between the two of them would be their football teams. [color=#773344][b]O L I V E R D E A D M A N[/b][/color] {[color=68de4c]☮[/color]} "[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation. [color=fd8b94][b]E V E L Y N P H I L L I P S[/b][/color] {[color=white]☯[/color]} "[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation. [color=#9c44bb][b]A D D I S O N M I L L S[/b][/color] Symbol "[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation. [color=darkorange][b]G A R R E T T M I L E S[/b][/color] {[color=68de4c]☮[/color]} "[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation.[/center] [/hider]