[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=steelblue]Ash Holloway[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c9/2a/d7/c92ad7a5fbd32f06b155220d01ea4801.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Hordebuster, Parking Lot of Building [b]4[/b] (nearest Gilbert St across from Building [b]1[/b]) [/center][hr][hr] Froggy had Medical, such as it was, up and running. Ash observed wearily that their "B" staff was handling things in this regard, but he also supposed that every piece of a medical team had to start out that way. They had a talented surgeon leading them, and they would learn. Come to think of it, it would behoove him to take some training under the man, himself. If there was one thing this world needed more of, it was medics. Referring to the group as their "B" staff wasn't entirely fair, either. Astrid was dead, or as good as. Newnan still had a far greater setup than he would have ordinarily hoped, and people were being treated. What few remained alive after this random clusterfuck of a day. Sadly, neither one of them were his people; three of his had to die to bring two back. But now was not a time for pity, neither for himself nor the people of Newnan. It was time to take care of business, and hammer things back together. Ash nodded at Froggy when he insisted that he come in for a full evaluation. Sure. Couldn't hurt anything. Maybe his cholesterol was high. Maybe his cheese was beginning to slip off his cracker and he was hearing voices. Hard to say. Defer to the Frenchman's experience. At this time, people came to him asking questions. Seemed as good a time as any to give answers. He kept them short and to the point. Jack inquired first as to what Ash required. [color=steelblue]"Medical has their end covered. If you would, help unload the bodies. Get as much useful stuff off of them as you can. Weapons, armor, meds, personal effects. Full nine. First, before the Infirmary gets too busy, go give your ladyfriend a hug. The dead can wait a minute longer."[/color] [color=steelblue]"James! You are acting Security Lead."[/color] Ash said this loudly and clearly, so that everyone around them could hear plainly. [color=steelblue]"We have guests. Please insist that they disarm fully, and collect their weapons for temporary storage."[/color] This last bit was spoken in such a way that left no doubt as to the depth of his sincerity. [color=steelblue]"Until they are fully vetted, no one keeps weapons here."[/color] James nodded vigorously, responding with raised voice directed outward. [color=firebrick]"AIGHT! Y'ALL HEARD THE MAN! WE [i]ALL[/i] FRIENDS HERE, AND WE KEEPIN' IT THAT WAY! DROP YO SHIT, I'LL BE ALONG IN A SEC!"[/color] Not the most professional approach, but if it got the job done, great. Ash followed up with James about the most recent surviving Newnanite, [color=steelblue]"Jack is ok, at least for now. Handle our Franklin guests."[/color] Tiffany approached next, introducing herself, giving condolences, and asking what Ash wanted her to do. His response was without definable emotion, level and solid. [color=steelblue]"I appreciate, Tiffany. Thank you. If you want to be of help right now, you may surrender any weapons you have on your person, and keep out of the way. If you're from Franklin, you're going to want to find Beni. Unless you feel like relocating here, you should speak to him first. Come back after."[/color] Other than directing traffic and handling questions, Ash calmly waited next to the Hordebuster until the patients were clear. As he had little skill assisting the injured, he intended to see to the dead alongside others. Everyone who is able, works.