[@HereComesTheSnow] [B]Gratia Mindaro - Beacon Cafeteria (Monday, Early Morning ~6-7am)[/B] "[color=66cd00]If they want to, I will definitely accompany them.[/color]" There was an undercurrent of another emotion, slight and almost unnoticeable, in her cold, impassioned tone. The stoic Mistralese girl's expression remained unchanged, and her declaration seemed little different to her standard icy fare, but the more perceptive would notice that certain 'more' to her voice. In fact, her boreal demeanour even felt a little brighter, her haughty sense of pride bubbling somewhat to the surface. She bit into the banana, chewing away at its flesh and swallowing. Each and every one of her actions were committed with the same efficient, cool motions, but there was the tiniest of extra vigour in the way she engaged her breakfast. Family Day, it seemed, was something that she was willing to engage in at more than merely a surface level. "[color=66cd00]And what of yours?[/color]" Gratia asked after a few seconds, her banana complete and peel placed down onto her nearly-empty plate.