[hider=Kyras] Name : Kyras Bleakwater, aka the Steel Hawk Race : Human Gender : Male Background : The Assassin Age : 23 Appearance : [hider=Cloaked] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/90/2e/7d/902e7d199873b3bca3c5bdcaa3b91ccd.jpg[/img] Hooded purple and indigo robes over grey leather armour, with an engraved grey steel mask covering his face. [/hider] [hider=Uncloaked] [img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/20950_7603.png[/img] [/hider] Eye colour : Dark Grey Height: 1.82m/ 6ft Even Skills : Life Skills (Not including the intrinsic skills from his background):[list][*]Hunting - Kyras knows the best way to track, kill and cook a wide range of prey[*]Adaptive - A key skill for an assassin, Kyras can recognise a situation quickly and react accordingly[*]Basic First Aid - While no where near enough to spare the dying or heal the gravely wounded, Kyras knows how to keep himself alive for long enough to find proper medical treatment[/list] Weapon Skills:[list][*]Archery/Marksmanship - Kyras is lethally adept in the use of bows and throwing knives. At long range, he has an almost unparalleled accuracy with his unique longbow, and at closer range he can overwhelm his foes with a storm of throwing knives.[*]Short blades - While weak against multiple enemies or those of considerable strength, Kyras can come out on top in most one-on-one situations using his [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/73/3a/1a/733a1aded48083b3d4069049c32a64e4.jpg]short blade[/url] or matching twin daggers.[/list] History ( you have to write a reason why he/she is serving at the Citadel ( not everyone is allowed to serve at the Citadel, only those that are trusted soldiers of the Empire ) : Kyras was born into a family of assassins in service of the Empire, people who live by the sword and die by the sword. He was taught the ways of the killer at a young age, again and again exposed to rigorous training that both exhausted both mind and body. Solitariness was also instilled in Kyras and was never really exposed to affection children commonly get from their parents (with some rare exceptions). At aged 16, Kyras broke away from his family's 'duty' and began to make a living as a blade for hire, keeping his face hidden by a steel mask. Among his customers were everyone from Corrupt Nobles to angry commoners, and his targets the same. If they had the coin, he would do anything from delivering secret messages to brutal assassinations and everything in between. A common customer came from the Templar Order, who hired him to capture and/or kill any new Magi. His current contract has him serving in the Citadel, not an uncommon task for him. His mask is well-known around the prison, and some of the higher-ups know him by face as well. Predisposition to the Magi : He is indifferent to Magi, but he recognised the additional threat they pose over non-Magi. Personality : Cold and Harsh, Kyras' upbringing is reflected in his outwards demeanor. He is very isolated as a person, and never actively seeks the companionship of others. If someone were to speak to him, he is very straight-forward with his words and has little patience for double-speak or empty words. While someone maybe quick to earn his ire, he is slow to anger, but becomes violent and aggressive if pushed that far. Notes : When on the job, He keeps his face hidden at all times. He quickly gets agitated if someone tries to see his face. [/hider]