Within moments of her comment at the other woman, Kali found her eyes drifted back to the Goddess, her presence almost commanding the attention. It was similar to the sensation Kali had noticed with Nobility, but on a level that simply dwarfed any previous experiences she could relate to. Her gaze snapped to the movement as the Goddess changed her stance to consider the woman’s question, the thoughtful hum that emanated for her lips may as well have been the soft musical chorus of the most enchanting melody. Enthralled by the pleasant sound, Kali blinked for but a moment, before catching her breath with a start as the Goddess suddenly appeared by her side. And it was in that next moment, as the Goddess stood by her side and laid her hand upon Kali’s shoulder. The gesture was so simple and yet, by nature of the company involved it seemed so grand. The very air around the Goddess had seem invigorating with Divine energy, and to have even been touched by her seemed to flood Kali with but a fragment of that same energy, invigorating her making her entire body seem to pulse with a warm energy for but a single heart beat. Yet even as this experience was confirmation enough for her our mind, the melody of the Goddess voice echoed in her ear, not chiding but offer sweet wisdom as though a teacher to a student. Suddenly feeling a touch foolish for jumping to conclusions so quickly, feeling as if the other woman’s confident and smug smile was rather fitting given her comments, she felt a tinge of heat in her cheeks, her body betraying her concession of her mistake. As the Goddess stepped towards Adelan, taking the centre of both their attention once more, Kali took a shaky breath to calm her nerves. To be caught unawares but such a situation had no shame, but there was only so much protection against poor social etiquette such an excuse would purchase. Despite her lower stature in the hierarchy of the world, Kali had played the part to slip into the realm of nobility before, and had learnt the steps and dance of the social court. Though these events folding out before her were outside the realm of her experience, Kali suspected it would be a similar dance, simply on a grander scale. [i][color=AAFF77]’Just take the time to observe and reflect, don’t allow yourself to be so swept up in the spectacle’[/color][/i] she chided to herself Yet it seemed as though the Goddess was intent on delivering the proof Anela had requested, and by proxy keep Kali’s mind wrapped in a layer of stunned amazement. With but a touch from the Goddess to the oak wood chair its entire nature began to change before Kali’s very eyes. Kali’s heart beating in excitement at the spectacle that was unfolding in front of her eyes. Having only seen magic at the yearly festivals it had always been a treat for her to behold, and yet it seemed the Goddess was putting on an even more amazing show. At the point of impact, a patch of blue burst from the brown woods of the oak as though dropped from a Canvas. And then like water, the color seemed to flow through the wood, weaving between the grains and defying gravity as it spread in all directions from the Goddess hand, leaving a streak of silver in the wake of its transformation. In but a brief moment, the Goddess changed what would have been a fine quality chair into what would no doubt be masterpiece fit for a Royal Palace. Despite her words to calm herself, Kali’s head swum in wonder, her voice almost wanting to giggle while her hands wished to applaud in what would no doubt be a very inappropriate fashion. But as though sensing an encore was required, the Goddess’s actions continued as her words once more blessed the room with her voice, readying the two guests for the next act. The Goddess’s hands waved at the two guests, as though unleashing a dervish of unseen energy into their presence. The air around Kali seemed to buzz with activity, her skin tingling for a second as the cool air of the night slipped past her garments for a fraction of a second and then was repelled once more. Except in the place of the rough familiar feelings of her clothing there lay the soft sensation of finely crafted cloth, her mind flashing back to the moments she had gently glided her hands across those expensive fabrics travelling merchants offered, the same feeling gently slipping across her whole body. Glancing at the noble woman, Kali’s eyes blinked in disbelief at the sight she saw as though questioning her own interpretation of reality. While the woman had worn fine and flattering clothing before, the garment that now donned her form could only have been drawn together and weaved around her very body given the perfection of its fit. The fabric traced the curves of her body in an impeccable manner, flattering the human form in ways that a master tailor would envy. Her noticeable cleavage was emphasised but in a most elegant way, drawing attention but still maintain the modesty of such a noble figure. Kali found her eyes drifted to the ends of the woman, the dark fabric seeming to flow into the woman’s smooth skin, revealing enough of the silky surface to entice the eyes to continue to look, the cut of cloths and silks stretching far enough down the limbs to keep the entire look in proportion. As stunning as the image of the other Woman was, Kali could not help but drag her gaze back to her own form, recalling vividly that the Goddess had gestured at them both. And just as she had seen a stunning image of beauty while gazing at the other woman as her eyes drifted down across her own form so to did she see another display of refined elegance. Her old and dusty clothes had been replaced by a dress of the highest quality just like Anela’s had, and now feeling the clothing press comfortably around her form she could still feel the freedom of movement the elegant garment offered. Feeling an uncontrolled sprout of joy rise in from her heart, Kali could not help but let out a soft laugh of unbridled joy and amazement as she did a slow twirl on the spot, the giddy feeling of joy overwhelming her. Thankfully, before Kali felt into jibbing mess of happiness, the Goddess soothing and melodic voice called her mind back to attention, Kali gently bringing her motion to a stop as her attention was directed to her old clothing. Following to lead of Anela, she too approached the table and examined her clothing. It indeed was her own, and while she had felt such excitement when she had brought it for this festival, it all seemed to pale in comparison to what currently adorned her body. Still, she had been brought up not to waste, and she gently maneuvered the folded outfit in front of one of the chairs, taking the moment to marvel at the Silverwood table up close, her hand drifting along it as she shifted the clothing as though confirming it truly existed. Directing her attention to the Silverwood seat, Kali carefully positioned herself into its frame, admiring the handiwork of the Goddess as her body seem quite content with the prospect of continuing this evening from the confines of the chair. As Anela managed to find her voice and direct her question to the Goddess, so too did Kali speak up [b][color=AAFF77]“Yes, not that I don’t find the elegant clothing you have provided us with to be of poor taste, but surely there is more to this encounter?”[/color][/b] Her attention was momentarily redirected towards the older woman as she offered some both her experience and advice on the matter at hand. Whatever feelings and assumptions Kali had made of her moments before were dismissed for the moment, it appeared her far more vibrant lifestyle placed her in a position of expertise regarding the current situation, either that of gave her far too much confidence. In either case, Kali gave a short nod of understanding much as a pupil listening to a teacher. For the moment it seemed Kali would play the understudy in this encounter as the rules of engagement, such as they were called, were set. She had played this role before, waiting for the appropriate moment to make a move, to step and dance in time with the social court of opinions, only this time the Court was that of a Goddess, and she imagined both her an Anela would desire to be in the best of graces.