[center][color=gray][h1]Dawkin Trustram[/h1][/color] [@PlatinumSkink] [/center] Urk, he hadn't expected the Ducklett to be able to provide such a formidable defense. It took practically no damage while his Wooper couldn't same the same. At this rate both his Pokemon would be worn out before he obtained victory. What's worse the male had made things worse by handing the girl his pokeball, obviously the brains of the operation. Fine then. Change of plans. [b]"Atlas bump Whooper into the water, Whooper attack that guy's legs and capsize him."[/b] Atlas would shove Whooper into the water: with a mild noise of surprise from the latter and out of the way of the fire, hopefully the Whooper could at least threaten the Growlith and its trainer. If not it wasn't a big deal as Dawkin had given up on holding his ground anyway. When the girl threw the Pokeball Dawkin would attempt to catch it to prevent it from going past him. He wasn't sure whether he'd be able to catch, but he was going to darn well try. His options were so limited, at this rate he [i]was[/i] going to have to use his trump card, what a shame.