Sugar reared and kicked as creatures came snarling at them. Fietra unsheathed her sword and spurred her on. She slashed downwards at the mangy creatures, almost cutting one in half. The aura's around her were thick and cloudy, she couldn't attach herself to any of them. Worse of all, their murky veils preventing her from entering singed her mind. Clenching her eyes shut, she withdrew from them and focused on slaying as many as she could. The wagon had come to a halt but there was no time for her to attach to the other horses as one of the beasts lunged at her. It''s snarling jaw almost catching her and Sugar rearing. She made an attempt at it with her sword but the horse was now terrified, her eyes rolling back. Fietra jumped from her back as she bolted away from the creatures. The beast came back for her, lip pulled back tightly. She gripped her sword as it lunged again and she rolled left, away from its snapping mouth. It attacked again and so did she. Slicing through the air, her sword landed at its throat, splitting and spluttering blood. The wagon seemed a little closer now as she ran towards it, more beasts turning to face her. She landed into the wagon with a crash, almost knocking over the small girl. [color=ForestGreen]"Sorry... That was a bad landing..."[/color]