Oh stars he used to be a Sex Ed teacher. Of course he was. She was hoping for something a bit more… less awkward than that. Then she could ask about what classes were like, the layout, and the type of stuff that was taught. There was no way she’d ask for a crash course in that kind of a class, though. She made the wise decision to not comment on his previous occupation, lest he choose to try giving her a lesson. Instead, she listened to him speak and answer her questions. So he was the one that dropped off the letter to the academy at the front door. Who knocked and ran off after, and who Bonny assumed was some sort of a delinquent trying to mess with them before she saw the letter left behind. Why he hadn’t stuck around to say hello and introduce himself was beyond her. Her Grandma would’ve been happy to make some extra soup for him. The answer to her final question made her fall silent for a moment. A device that probed into people's minds to detect their mutations and things about them. And people had probed into her mind, learned about her, and sat at a big table to discuss the details of her powers and life. Remy did add on that it was for her benefit and to help her integrate (which she was grateful for), but it still felt … strange to know that her mind had been invaded. She bit her lip as she thought of what to say and breathed slowly through her nose to coordinate her thoughts. In the end, what was done was done. They used the information to help create a good environment for her, and only the staff knew. Nothing could be done. She looked back to Remy once she composed herself from the news. “Alright, so the staff sat at a big table and discussed my entire life to a detail. Cool. I can live with this.” She had no choice but to live with this, but at least they’d cater to her powers and education. Hopefully including a lack of a roommate, or at least one that wasn’t easily freaked out by the room turning into cake at 3 in the morning or some other strange oddity. She shifted around in her seat to look down out the window again. She was rather tired, and holding conversation was exhausting on top of that. They were rather high up, and the hum of the planes machinery was a soothing noise to listen to. After half a minute or so she found herself dozing off on the window, but luckily caught herself before she slipped into dreamland. No need to pass out and cause a potential problem of toys running around, or the slight possibility of worse. She rubbed her forehead, trying to focus her sleep clouded brain on the present. “Hey, Remy? Is there any coffee or something? Anything with a lot of caffeine or sugar will do. Like, a /lot/”. She had some coffee earlier on in the day, along with a nap beforehand, but it felt like her body was hitting a bit of a wall again. The wall of sleep in which she battled often.