Elias nodded dumbly at the older peasant girl, knowing better than to spout a comment about her status at a time like this. He overheard the thief shout something resembling a plan above atop the carriage. Elias gritted his teeth in clear frusteration. How were they supposed to gather those creatures in groups? Even if they could off a huge number of them, they just kept coming! He couldn't do anything anyway, preoccupied with keeping a shield up. Even more upsetting than the overwhelming situation was watching everyone else fight out of the corner of his eye, while he cowered with a protective spell. This infuriated Elias even more. He wanted to fight to- at a safe distance from the revolting things of course, but he wasn't about to be left out like this! As Elias continued to lose focus, the transculent, shimmering dome around the carriage began to flicker. The nobleman flinched as the braided member of their party rammed into the carriage, almost knocking over the bandaged girl and causing the wagon to sway. He quickly lost his footing, and the shimmering half-dome around the wagon dissapeared entirely for a few dangerous seconds. " [i]Watch[/i] it!," Elias barked angrily, his face twisting in its rage. The nobleman definetly seemed more tense than everyone else on the carriage, and despite seeming so furious, a closer look at the boy betrayed the frightened look in his eyes. [@Lady Avalon]