Tuvya had watched as the team members showed up one by one at the ferry slip. He took a mental note of each as they arrived, he had spent the last two day studying their dossiers, it certainly wasn't the team he would have picked, but if it had been there'd be no need for him. He'd only gotten about halfway through his cigar by the time the last one arrived so he put it out against the railing and stuffed it into the breast pocket of his button up shirt as the latest arrival approached him with an outstretched hand which he shook in turn, introducing himself before heading towards the stairs to the ferry's bridge. He had just reached the base of the stairs when he heard her question regarding where to put "her stuff". He spoke loudly bordering on a shout to ensure he was audible throughout the entirety of the ship. "Wherever you'd like Ms. Berezina! Make yourself at home. That goes for all of you!" He climbed up to the top of the stairs before continuing. "I'm Tuvya Dahan, I'm here to make sure that none of you get any ideas about going off-script, our goals on Isla Nublar are very clear." He paused for a moment considering whether or not to continue it was obvious. "In case you need those goals reiterated or weren't clear on them, I am gonna go over them one last time before we set off. First, to search for and aid any survivors we might encounter. Now, to be honest, odds aren't good that we'll find anything but bodies so be prepared for that." He looked at Ms. Dejarnette as he finished that sentence, of everyone there she was the least likely to have seen death before. "Second, we're gonna be deactivating the security measures that keep the specimens contained, we should be the last humans to step foot on the island so keeping them confined to certain areas is just asking for some overzealous animal rights activists to get themselves killed trying to "Free" them. Our third objective goes hand in hand with that and is why we have the lovely Ms. Loring here" He gestured towards the veterinarian. "As I said this is the last time humans [i]should[/i] set foot on Isla Nublar, so it's the last chance they'll get at veterinary care. We don't want to find that the entire island is a lifeless husk six months down the road and then have a bunch of lawsuits on our hands about how we caused the second extinction of the dinosaurs." He took a deep breath "Our fourth objective is really damn simple, but possibly the most dangerous. As you might know, Jurassic World was home to a particularly dangerous aquatic specimen, a 'Mosasaurus' it is contained in a saltwater lagoon connected to the ocean by subterranean tunnels. Naturally those have been barred off because a Mosasaurus in the wild could cause unfathomable ecological devastation. We need to make sure the confinements are sufficient to hold the Mosasaurus for it's lifespan and if they're not, we need to make them so, and failing that, as a measure of last resort it would fall to us to exterminate the specimen." "Finally we're going there to DESTROY all research and embryonic specimens remaining on the island, and you're being paid plenty enough for that. If I catch you trying to copy any files or smuggle any research or specimens off the island, then you won't be leaving the island." He paused to let that set in before deciding to continue with something a bit more lighthearted. "With that said, I don't think Starbucks or Pandora are coming back for their stuff, so once we're done with everything else if you see anything you like, feel free to take it. Cappuccino machines, jewelry, clothes, booze, whatever you can carry is yours. Consider it your souvenirs from the very last visit to Jurassic World." He smirked and rapped his fist against the bridge's window a few times before showing his hand with all five fingers extended to the captain through the glass. "We set off in five, so if you have any mainland related business to attend, you better do it now!"