The girl stumbled, but quickly regained her balance. She was surprisingly firm-footed for something that seemed so frail. However, her concentration was thrown off and it surely broke the spell she was about to caste. Eir frowned deeply, glancing over at Fietra ([@Lady Avalon]) with a curious look in her one good eye. But, there was no time to waste. Soon enough, the nobleman ([@Emu]) who had called her out earlier had lost his own train of thought, but his was far more required than Eir's. The little thing jolted, snapping her head back out towards where the glimmering green shield faltered and fell out of sight. [color=pink]"Sir!"[/color] Eir sprinted before him, slicing her freezing hand in an arc out towards three mangy creatures leaping out, seeing their chance. Large spiked crystals of ice shot from the ground, at least five or six feet high and a foot wide each, cutting their skin and forcing the disgusting monsters back. Through the translucence of the ice, their whimpering and snarling mugs could be seen, zoomed in to show the dripping hatred and blood as they went to find a way around the wall of ice on their side of the carriage. Eir glanced back over her bandaged shoulder, her good eye shining with hopeful desperation at Elias. [color=pink]"Please... you have to pay attention. Without your barrier, they'd all come in at once. I'll block you."[/color] She offered in her weak voice. Looking at the little thing, it was hard to believe that she could do much to guard the barrier mage, but just glancing over at her last spell would change your mind quite quickly on that matter.