The squirtle scared by all the noise gently walked down to the river to hide peeking back at Christine curious watching her for a reaction. The baby wanted to stay with her, but Christine hadn't tried to catch it yet. The little turtle waddled sweetly towards it's siblings. [@Pink Madness] Richard walked carefully over the barely damaged bridge with all the care one might give a moving arbok. Ekans going beserk from terror as he approached the pinsir shaking and flailing around his neck. The struggle made him fall into the river only to be caught by the squirtle barrier. The small pokemon gently helped him to shore near the pinsir. [@supertinyking] The two eevee hit the pinsir in the back driving his head into the water. The pinsir was hurt but happy a small mark on it's back. The pinsir looked down his eyes clear as it used bind on Violet's eevee trying to crush it struggling to do it quickly it's eyes on E. Eevee cried out in pain as Pincer started walking up the shore shaking it violently and beating the poor thing against the ground in a frenzy.[@medalliah]