[center][IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/zl5g91.jpg[/IMG] [quote][h2]The setting takes place 50 years after Luffy becomes the King of the Pirates. He is currently on his deathbed. In the midst of passing away Luffy has one final wish, For someone to own the responsibilities as king and embody the spirit of Gold D. Roger. Over the course of years that have passed Luffy and his crew have amassed a greater fortune than their previous predecessors. His fortune is to be locked away in a tomb somewhere in the sea. Whoever finds the treasure will become the King of all Pirates succeeding all those before him. Are you ready for One Piece the Revolution![/h2][/quote] [hider=Character Sheet] Please put hiders around anything lengthy or large such as pictures or history. If you wish it is also acceptable to put a hider over everything. Name: Appearance: (pic preferred) Height/Weight: Age: Personality: (I would like a decent description not just IC revealed) Home Island/Sea: (which island or from which of the 4 seas are you from?) History: (Also prefer that it isn't IC revealed. It doesn't have to be in depth. Just a little bit about your character and how they got to where they are) Fruit: (Not required if you don't have a fruit or weapon infused with a fruit. If you do provide its name and descrption of the power as well as its type) Abilities/Race Traits: Any special abilities pertaining to your character. (cooking skills, shark skin , etc) Fighting style: General overview of how you fight. We can have multiple swordsman or multiple of any other fighting type. That is fine. Also provide a list of techniques that are unique to you if you have them. Ship Positions: Bounty: (Starts with 0 and will be updated as we go along. Unless there is a reason in your history in which case you may have a pre-existing bounty) [/hider] [color=red][h2][b]I reserve the right deny any abilities or devil fruits found to make characters godmod or Op’ed.[/b][/h2][/color] Sn: There are no longer limits on Logia Devil fruit. Just apply for one a hope for the best.[/center]