[hider=Spoons][center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcvt7cTdaM1r0sagxo1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcvt7cTdaM1r0sagxo4_250.gif[/img] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcvt7cTdaM1r0sagxo3_250.gif[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcvt7cTdaM1r0sagxo2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjhkNGJhMC5UMnhwZG1WeUlDSlRjRzl2Ym5NaUlFUmxZV1J0WVc0LC4w/hyperness.medium.png[/img] [sub][b]"[i]I'm the Michelangelo of card games.[/i]"[/b][/sub][hr][hr][/center] [color=#773344][b][u]Name: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Oliver "Spoons" Daniel Deadman.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Nickname: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Spoons: He's incredibly skilled in card games and most of the time unbeaten since he was a kid. He's won multiple card competitions, several different types, but his ultimate favorite game is spoons.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Date of Birth: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]November 14, 1996.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Age: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]21.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Gender: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Sexuality: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]None of your business.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Relationship Status: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Single. Not wanting to mingle.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Sexually Active: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Doesn't like to talk about sex. [s]Virgin.[/s][/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Occupation: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]College student, majoring in English. Part-time bartender.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Hometown: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Las Vegas, Nevada.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Ethnicity: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Extremely White.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]In Depth Appearance: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Spoons isn’t particularly attractive, but he does have some mesmerizing qualities. Skin neither pale nor tan, Spoons’ ethnicity falls into “average-white guy” and he doesn’t try to deny it either; his skin is covered in multiple beauty marks and small moles, notably on his neck and a distinctive one above his lip. Everything about him seems to be a bit average – his face isn’t narrow or wide, but a good in between, his nose is neither big nor small, but [i]average[/i]. Spoon’s eyes have a certain tired quality to them and he often has strong bags underneath them, accentuating his nice cheek bones. He isn’t particularly tall or short, but rather is 5’11” and has a nice, healthy body though it isn’t that of a bodybuilder. When it comes to clothes, Spoons keeps a beanie covering his black hair usually and likes to dress in dark long-sleeved shirts and black jeans. The only accessories to be seen on him is the occasional necklace and some wristbands. Around his ankle, he wears a shark-tooth ankle-bracelet, but he doesn’t show it off and it’s usually hidden by his timberlands.[/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Hobbies: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Studying. [i]Studying[/i]. [i][b]Studying[/b][/i]. [*] Card games. [*] Rock balancing. [*] Reading.[/list][/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Habits: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Chewing on a toothpick. [*] Shuffling his cards. [*] Smoking.[/list][/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Likes: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Nature. [*] Sweaters. [*] Sunrises. [*] Barbecue Chips. [*] Caffeine. [*] Cuddling. [*] Waking up early naturally. [*] Deadlines.[/list][/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Dislikes: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Jean jackets. [*] Public displays of affection. [*] Having his picture taken. [*] Vegetables. [*] Sleeping. [*] Loud noises. [*] Cheese.[/list][/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Fears: [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Failure and disappointing his grandmother. [*] Public speaking. [*] Intimacy.[/list][/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Personality: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]If there is ever an argument for legalization of marijuana, Spoons is it. The poor guy is a walking, talking ball of restless nerves and insurmountable stress. The main reason is that after moving in with his grandparents, Spoons was put under a lot of pressure, and has had developed anxiety because of it. While he doesn’t have much social anxiety, and is typically fine in social situations (except for a certain amount of coldness), Spoons is hopelessly neurotic about school work and becomes anxious over grades and his future. Certain situations can stress Spoons out easily – school, people’s expectations, and busy schedules. Because of his anxiety, Spoons has become an insomniac and spends most of his nights jiggling his leg in his bed while staring on the ceiling. It is probably due to this lack of sleep that Spoons happens to be as hot-headed and easily-irritated as he is. He comes off as unfriendly most of the time because Spoons has a very low-tolerance for annoyances – if there is anything that taints his record beyond saving, it’s his penchant for school fights. Spoons has even punched a kid over tapping their pen too many times – of course, he warned them first. His fuse runs short and anything done incessantly will grate on his nerves rather quickly. Spoons isn’t seen as the nicest person around – he makes no effort to extend pleasantries to strangers and rather wary of them, and added with his rather volatile nature, he doesn’t have the best reputation amongst fellow students. Spoons doesn’t trust other people easily and he’s more likely to brush people off than to indulge small talk with them. It doesn’t help anything that he’s very blunt and always speaks his true thoughts and feelings, never really holding anything back no matter how much he pities someone. On another subject, Spoons has a one-track mind (and sucks at multi-tasking, but that’s another story). When he has a goal, he is single-minded in reaching the goal and has amazing discipline when it comes to focus. If he is studying or working at something, Spoons is rather hard to distract or deter (but if someone happens to distract him, he will probably punch them in the throat). On the same vein, when Spoons has made up his mind on something else, no one will be able to talk him out of it – even if it was the worst idea ever, Spoons will go full speed ahead. Of course, Spoons isn’t all work and no play. For the people that he does let close, Spoons can be playful towards – though most of his humor is rather deprecating and insulting, but he means it in the best way – and Spoons is even very fond of pranks. A trickster at heart, and a creative human being, Spoons uses pranks as a creative outlet for his stress – and to passive aggressively get back at people. When it comes to caring about people, Spoons rather show his affection through actions rather than words – if someone says they are thirsty, he’ll give them water and tell them to stop complaining; if someone is sick, he’ll throw bottled medicine at their heads; if someone just went through a bad breakup, he’d tell them they are stupid for dating such an asshole and that they can do better. [/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Background: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Oliver “Spoons” Deadman’s parents are dead men. Not a joke, unfortunately. Spoons was adopted by two gay men when he was 3 years old and when he was fifteen, they died in a car crash. It hurts to think seriously about it, for Spoons, so he prefers to make light of their death – after all, his last name is just begging for puns. After his parents died, Spoons moved in with his rather strict – and very disapproving of the “alternative lifestyle” – grandma. Her husband had died at a young age and to cope with it, she bought a million cats (technically, thirteen) and started yelling at neighborhood kids to stay off her lawn. At first, his grandma was very reluctant to take in Spoons, but he eventually grew on him. She was homophobic, uncouth, and an angry woman, and while Spoons didn’t like her as a person, he loved her as his grandmother. Barbara Deadman, Spoons’ grandmother, had always wished for her son to make something of himself – not end up becoming a teacher and having a child with another man – and so she often pressured Spoons to do well in school. It came to the point where he wouldn’t be allowed to have electronics unless it was the weekend (and even then, it was only for two hours), he couldn’t have friends over, and when he wasn’t doing homework, he was studying his ass off. Because he didn’t have much to occupy himself, Spoons stole some cards from a general store and started playing with them in his room in between study sessions. He became so good at it, people started to refer to him as “Spoons” and now nobody really remembers his name all that much. When Spoons went to college and majored in literature rather than the medical path his grandma wanted him to go down, she basically disowned him and he had to make his own ends meet. There wasn’t any particular reason why Spoons decided to join the Real World, rather it was a joke for him and he didn’t think he’d seriously get in, especially with how cold and standoffish he is. But, for one reason or another, Spoons seemed to have made an impression on the interviewers despite his cynical and half-assed responses, and he was accepted. There wasn’t any joy when he got accepted, but rather some boisterous laughter from his poker buddies and a sense of dread and anxiety in his stomach. [/indent] [color=#773344][b][u]Miscellaneous: [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Orphan Black.[/indent][/hider] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [Hider=Spoons's Relations][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vgWyt9B.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmE3NjJjMC5VeUJRSUU4Z1R5Qk9JRk0sLjAAAAAA/tulis-tangan.regular.png[/img] [color=949494][abbr=Acquaintances]⚜[/abbr][/color] [color=#773344]||[/color] [color=white][abbr=Neutral]☯[/abbr][/color] [color=#773344]||[/color] [color=68de4c][abbr=Friends]☮[/abbr][/color] [color=#773344]||[/color] [color=4c9dde][abbr=Best Friends]♫[/abbr][/color] [color=#773344]||[/color] [color=de4c88][abbr=Love Interest]♥[/abbr][/color] [color=#773344]||[/color] [color=ac0f4f][abbr=Boyfriend/Girlfriend]⚤[/abbr][/color] [color=#773344]||[/color] [color=gray][abbr=Enemies]☠[/abbr][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=489cba][b]C H R I S T I N E . C H U[/b][/color] { [color=gray][abbr=Enemies]☠[/abbr][/color] [color=gray][abbr=Enemies]☠[/abbr][/color] [color=gray][abbr=Enemies]☠[/abbr][/color] } [indent][quote]"[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation.[/quote][/indent] [color=0fac6c][b]C A S I M I R . L I P I Ń S K I[/b][/color] { [color=4c9dde][abbr=Best Friends]♫[/abbr][/color] [color=4c9dde][abbr=Best Friends]♫[/abbr][/color] [color=4c9dde][abbr=Best Friends]♫[/abbr][/color] } [indent][quote][i][color=#AB7088]"He's an ass,"[/color] Spoons muttered to himself, glaring at Casimir from across the room. Though, Spoons isn't exactly one to talk considering his track record. Despite his glowering, Spoons couldn't deny there was a certain likability to the douchenozzle. [color=#AB7088]"He should be called C[b]ass[/b]imir."[/color] Spoons cringed at his own pun.[/i] Spoons and Casimir had some serious bonding time on the first night - except it wasn't really serious and it wasn't so much bonding as bro-ing out over similar smoking habits [s]and drinking[/s]. Either way, after that, Casimir grew on Spoons despite his rather annoying remarks that, reluctantly, Spoons had to admit were becoming more and more humorous to him rather than insulting. Spoons hates company most of the time, he feels like he has to force some semblance of cordiality that Spoons isn't very good at - and he doesn't really bother with, at the end of the day - but if Casimir hangs with him, Spoons can't find a single complaint. Casimir is the perfect amount of personable and callous that makes Spoons feel like he doesn't have to worry about punching Casimir out of a friendship - it's not Spoons's fault he has a short fuse.[/quote][/indent] [color=7FFFD4][b]A M B R O S E . Z E L A Y A[/b][/color] { [color=68de4c][abbr=Friends]☮[/abbr][/color] [color=68de4c][abbr=Friends]☮[/abbr][/color] [color=68de4c][abbr=Friends]☮[/abbr][/color] } [indent][quote][i][color=#AB7088]"The painting looks nice,"[/color] Spoons mutters noncommittally, though he does mean it, he's much too fascinated with the book in his hands. Ambrose is busy painting, his back to Spoons and Spoons doesn't quite mind that Ambrose can't see him. Despite how comfortable he is in this moment, Spoons can feel a restlessness building up that only a smoke could fix, and, well, he doesn't really want to smoke all by himself. [color=#AB7088]"You almost done? You'd think it wouldn't take that long to slap some paint on a canvas and call it 'modern art,' but I guess modern art is above you."[/color][/i] Spoons doesn't really care about coddling others, but when it comes to Ambrose, Spoons just feels the need to comfort him, in any way he can. Maybe it's because Spoons can relate to Ambrose's anxiety problem - though their anxieties stem from different reasons, it's still the same suffocating feeling. Most of the time they spend together is at night, when Spoons can't sleep and Ambrose wants to paint - Spoons often just sits in silence with him, reading a book quietly. While they get along for the most part, Spoons's deprecating humor sometimes can have a negative affect on Ambrose - Spoons notices it sometimes, but it's a personality trait he just can't shake.[/quote][/indent] [color=000000][b]A S H A N T I . H O W A R D[/b][/color] { Symbol } [indent][quote]"[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation.[/quote][/indent] [color=00CED1][b]C A L E B . A N D E R S O N[/b][/color] { Symbol } [indent][quote]"[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation.[/quote][/indent] [color=ed1c24][b]A L L Y . E S T R A D A[/b][/color] { Symbol } [indent][quote]"[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation.[/quote][/indent] [color=773344][b]O L I V E R . D E A D M A N[/b][/color] { [color=de4c88][abbr=Love Interest]♥[/abbr][/color] [color=de4c88][abbr=Love Interest]♥[/abbr][/color] [color=de4c88][abbr=Love Interest]♥[/abbr][/color] } [indent][quote][i][color=#AB7088]"Hey there, handsome."[/color] Spoons said sardonically, water dripping from his face after he rubbed it raw with the sink tap. Despite his heavy sarcasm, Spoons was pretty confident in his appearance, caressing his jawline with his hand as he inspected his side profile. [color=#AB7088]"Actually, not bad at all."[/color][/i] Don't misunderstand Spoons, he's not at all arrogant - he knows he has flaws, it's human nature to have flaws and, if they didn't, they'd look like glassy China dolls and Spoons is a tiny bit scared of dolls. Spoons knows he is a mildly attractive man, and he knows that others tend to see him as volatile and standoffish and he he has made his peace with that. Matter of fact, Spoons is very much proud of his personality, cultivated from years of avoiding social responsibilities in favor of studying. However, Spoons fucking curses his anxious side, 'cause it's really inconvenient to put it in an understated term.[/quote][/indent] [color=92278f][b]L I L Y . A M E L I O - W O N G[/b][/color] { Symbol } [indent][quote]"[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation.[/quote][/indent] [color=fd8b94][b]E V E L Y N . P H I L L I P S[/b][/color] { Symbol } [indent][quote]"[i]Character thoughts on relation.[/i]" At least three sentences describing their relation.[/quote][/indent] [color=9c44bb][b]A D D I S O N . M I L L S[/b][/color] { [color=4c9dde][abbr=Best Friends]♫[/abbr][/color] [color=4c9dde][abbr=Best Friends]♫[/abbr][/color] [color=4c9dde][abbr=Best Friends]♫[/abbr][/color] } [indent][quote][i][color=#AB7088]"What a bitch."[/color] Spoons says fondly, chewing on his toothpick and grinning. He turns around and glances at her with a twinkle in his eye, his toothpick accidentally breaking he's grinning so hard. [color=#AB7088]"I fucking hate her."[/color][/i] Nothing gets Spoons going than a cold ass lady who leaves him the fuck alone - okay, maybe "gets going" is a bad term for Spoons's appreciation of Addie's unlikable personality. Spoons gets along well with her, and they both share a common interest in the literary arts - and Spoons isn't totally against sharing his collectible Kama Sutra book that is in mint-condition (that he has for purely [b][i]scientific[/i][/b] reasons). Speaking of science, Spoons doesn't understand half of what she's saying when she's talking about all that chemical-y and nature-y stuff, but he does appreciate a person with a good amount of intellect - it makes him feel like their smartness will rub off on him. On the downside, the duo are both pretty hot-headed and if they have a disagreement, they are more than likely to get into a shouting match over it.[/quote][/indent][hr][hr][/hider]