[hider=The Headless Half-Pint][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/aE8ZZOB.png[/img] [color=#008000]"Please don't associate me with those [i]other[/i] dullahans..."[/color][/center] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Cody MacBeth [b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#008000]How do you make a nickname out of Cody? You don't.[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Dullahan [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/DTV8ChX.jpg[/img] [b]Height:[/b] 4'9" [b]Weight:[/b] 99 pounds[/hider] [hider=Personality]Cody is a wise-cracker. While not always sarcastic, she saves her witty remarks for times when they'll truly count or are necessary. Although she typically means well, even her non-sarcastic majority statements are sharp-tongued at best, so she can come off as being kind of an asshole. Not that she is. Honestly, Cody's a good kid (tip: don't call her a kid), but she just has no filter and speaks harshly with others. Once one looks past her sharp tongue, it becomes easier to see her generosity and altruism. But don't assume for a second she has patience. That's one part of the "good girl" trope Cody does not have in any capacity.[/hider] [hider=Likes]Horses Animals Macabre themes and aesthetics Snow Rain Horses Apples Sushi Art Literature[/hider] [hider=Dislikes]Other dullahans Being short Potato-themed foods Other people touching or carrying her head Romance stories (usually) Memes[/hider] [hider=Biography]Dullahans. Mighty fae of the unseelie court. Most people have heard the legends at one point or another, stating that dullahans are headless riders that ride atop black steeds and serve as harbingers of death. There is no stopping the path of a dullahan except with gold, and they are not a race to be trifled with. Of course, those are just stories. Dullahans are by no means harbingers of death, though they've done an excellent job of spreading rumors about it that eventually evolved into folklore. In all reality, they set up the stories as a defense mechanism to keep everybody else from trying to find them. It worked pretty well too; until recently, dullahans have lived undisturbed deep in the woods of their native Ireland. However, that's the past. Once the existence of supernatural beings reached human ears, it didn't take long for them to find the dullahans, and for the most part, every bit of xenophobia humans have toward dullahans has proven to be mutual. Only a few have left their woodland homes to live among humans, and Cody is one of them. By her account, it was more to get away from other dullahans than to get more familiar with all these wacky races that have their heads attached to their bodies. However, there's not really much to say about the girl's life story. Her father was a hunter and her mother a bonesmith, and as cool as whips made of "human*" spines are, Cody's true passion in life wasn't with hunting or putting the parts of dead bodies to use. Cody liked horses. Needless to say, dullahans in general have an affinity with them, but Cody in particular just really liked horses. She grew up caring for one, and wanted to just be with them for the rest of her life. However, she didn't want to put up with other dullahans. When the opportunity to volunteer for living among the humans came up, Cody jumped at the chance, much to her family's dismay. In retrospect, she hadn't considered that her horse would not be able to join her for the trip here, but is nonetheless fascinated that there are human jobs involving horses. Cody, for one, would like to become a rancher, caring for horses and other forms of livestock, and being able to live mostly independant of others. Failing that, she'd like to become an comic book artist and writer.[/hider] [hider=Other]The surname "MacBeth" seems to be really popular among dullahans. Apparently, they have a soft spot for theatrical productions where lots of people die.[/hider] [hr][/hider]