Seriously, you did good. :) Naah it's okay, I figured work was beating the shit out of you so I didn't wanna bug until the weekend rolled back around lol Okie dokie and no don't worry about, thanks for being concerned~ That's a good plan. I'll leave it so you can skip us, maybe to the next day at lunch? They could eat in the greenhouse maybe. If Botan is already feeling the oppression of the demon itself, she may take some coaxing to go or do anything at school. Aww thinking about writing a sad hopeless Botan is making me sad. Kurama gets to sweep in and save her before the worst though. <333 Gosh, you sound sooo hipseter, hun. XP Thank god it's the 90s and they don't have that slang. But something tells me Yusuke could coin bae...