Thanks babe. Out of every opinion on this website, yours means the most! Oh dude work sucks ass. Stocking is shitty in general, but I'm sadly becoming good at it. Really organizational about my shit, too. It's a gift and a curse xD No problem :D And yeah greenhouse can work. Don't worry, Botan being sad also makes me sad. Were we still rolling with the idea that the student confronts Kurama as Botan wanders to the school pool to drown herself, or is she going to the roof to jump? Cause if its the roof, I had this idea that Kurama shifts into Yoko form to be fast enough to save her without being seen. Are you shitting me? KUWABARA would say that! DON'T FORGET HOW CORNY A ROMANTIC HE IS! Calling Yukina 'bae' is totally something he'd do. He heard it on an American sitcom once!