[@Masterkeun] [@jagajac] [@rocketrobie2] [@Pink Madness] [@pkken] Seeing the Pinsar collapse, and his Ekans tossed onto the shore thanks to the effort of the pokemon that had gathered there to protect them, Richard knew mayhap now was his moment. Taking a running start, Richard leaps between the Pinsar, and the trainers, the rather built fellow acting as a sort of barrier. With a loud snap, Ekans came scrambling over to Richard, and stood beside his trainer. Richard, reaching down and petting the top of Ekan's head affectionately looked forwards at those who had been attacking the Pinsar, they could note an almost disappointed frown. "....What are you three doing? Ganging up on a pokemon like that. Where's your honor? Your sense of a fair fight? Even if he is strong, there's no way a pokemon around here could take on three trainers. You all should be ashamed, and if any of you think you're going to catch this pokemon, you're gonna need to go though me first." Richard states, bluntly, letting his caterprie out of its pokeball. "There. Now, if you all wanna continue, it'll be a three on three." Richard adds, glaring down the other trainers there. Out of all the times Richard had been seen, he was goofy, constantly getting into hi-jinks. However, he seemed different, serious, determined. It was like they were dealing with a whole new person.