Darn, it probably would be better if you got something less draining. I do worry for you. :/ I figure a student or two would mention seeing hot girl without Shuichi and how she may have been going for a swim without changing or something weird like that. You just know Yusuke would try it on Keiko and would get shot down. Bless Yukina and Kuwabara though, those two lovebirds. Though I wonder if Keiko and Yusuke are even together in our lil AU...we do have Genkai maybe... I do love the sestras. I was so happy to see it from start to finish. It's been a great ride and I hope it ends on a good note. I kinda want some main clone to die though, it would be too 'nice' if they all lived. Cosima is hella sick, I'm gonna be shocked if she makes it out alive.