If it was easy, they wouldn't call it work. Even writing is work, only its work I'm passionate about. Gotta keep grinding both IRL and in this crazy literary world. LOL that is funny for two reasons. One, they just HAPPEN to be passing by and saying that, then catch his eye and then awkwardly clear their throat like, "Oh, uh... h-hey Shuichi.." and TWO, because Botan holding her head underwater is TOTALLY swimming to them xD You still wanna try that crazy Yusuke and Genkai subplot we discussed way back when? It'll have to be summed up or moved elsewhere since its not even in relation to the story. Hell, Kuwabara and Yukina even have more relevance, but I say that because Kuwabara is a gem and I want him to be hella invested in what's going to be going on between Botan and Kurama later. He will ship them. You have been warned. I'll take Cosima who made so much possible at the expense of her life. I didn't care much for the others but I think Alison dying would destroy me. She really grew on me.