[@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007][@Eidolen][@MayLien][@Heap241] [@banjoanjo][@CrazyShadowy][@Indra] Status update: [list][*] As of thirteen minutes ago, the thread shifted from 'Apply' to 'Full'. From this point onward, new players attempting to register will be [i]possible[/i], but stricter -- specifically, I won't be making any massive attempts to 'recruit' from this point onward (though I'll still bring it up to people who might be interested), so people'll need to find us on their own or be invited, either by one of you or through conversation with me. At any rate, player characters can still be registered until we reach a specific plot point, and this includes multiple characters from the players who we already have (who will, as stated previously, get priority over new players). Once we reach a specific plot point, registering player characters will be completely off the table to everyone, but do keep in mind that this won't forbid you guys from registering NPCs -- the 'card bearers' specifically will no longer be creatable once we reach that plot point.[/list]