[@Simple Unicycle][@KatherinWinter][@1Hawkeyes][@Crossfire] With the plan revealed about what was going down and how they were going to handle things, Sound EFX felt that this plan wasn't all too bad. Get dropped off at points where the gangs would end up meeting and fighting along with being set up to all be killed by the lancers and causing a riot. Stop them from letting the plan follow through, take down the lancers and smoke Crusher out. Wasn't difficult. And then have a special bullet made to take Crusher down? Well...this plan should be flawless but anything could go wrong. Sound EFX liked those odds, it's what defines a hero when put into tight situations when lives are on the line. Agreeing to what was said from Reaper, Sound EFX smirked that he'd work with Phantom on Westchester. The back lot area. He turned to Phantom "Ready for this, mon?" he said to Phantom, getting ready to leave. ----------- [@Simple Unicycle] Once they got there, Sound EFX, who had his plugs in his ear, pulled one out. "Hey mon, if there's anyone scurrying about, you know, any of those Lancers, I'll be able to hear if they are setting up their position for the kill. Doesn't matter to me which of us take them out. Maybe one of us keeps the fight centered in one area while the other located and take down the Lancers? I'm not that good at planning my friend, I just go do it hehe. It depends on what you're comfy with." he said to Phantom. He figured these two would have no problem with the skills they had but they would still need a little plan of action so to effectively handle this task.