To her credit, Amy managed to maintain an expression of genuine consternation while Lauren went off on their captain for his perceived slight against the two of them. Her hands were on the hips of her borrowed sweats in imitation of Lauren's pose, her arms crossing almost precisely when Lauren's did, maintaining an image of solidarity with her teammate against the man. Singular. Because there was only one on this team. Ha. Still, she didn't let one iota of her amusement show on her face. There was some significance to "get thee to a nunnery", but for the life of her she couldn't remember what it was. [i]Damn, should have taken English.[/i] ... [i]...I don't think he realizes how much effort I'm putting into this,[/i] she thought as she let her Semblance dial back down, her reaction time slowing again. She'd not trained herself as much as Lauren had to hear Sangue, but she supposed it was somewhat reflex at this point--and her Semblance certainly helped. She smiled at the snake as Lauren greeted her. [color=E52B50]"Morning, Sangue."[/color]