Amelia had been walking for goodness knows for how long, without as much of a sign of Stalkers nearby. Either she had some incredible dumb luck, or they were patiently waiting to ambush her. But when she started noticing some sign of "civilization" in the distance, Amelia's anxiety slowly disappeared as she picked up the pace to avoid any last-minute surprises. Eventually, Amelia reached some tavern on the side of the road and hurriedly made her way in. She was long overdue for a bit of food and water, and even though thoughts of what might have occurred to Dmitry plagued her mind, she had to focus on herself at the moment. Later on, when things settled down again, she would attempt to find him. If he was alive, that is. Inside the bar, Amelia eagerly took of her gear as she made her way to a small empty table. On the way there, she accidentally bumped into the back of someone's chair, dropping her bag on his lap. "Shit, I'm sorry about that," she said a little flustered, trying to ignore the stares of some of the other bar patrons. [@Fyre Unholy] [hider=Note] Please let me know if I need to change anything. First time I interact with someone else in this game. [/hider]