[@HeySeuss] and I were talking about making this a platoon instead of a "squad" or "team" sized operation. The number or RPers in here is growing large. It is better for people to have a few NPCs they can control or work with a smaller group within the larger RP. As far as organization goes, I like to add some realism, but I think most people feel that a bit confining. How about the organization looks like this: [u][b]Platoon Headquarters[/b][/u] [color=00a651]Platoon Leader[/color] [color=00a651]Platoon Sergeant[/color] [color=00a651]Asst Platoon Sergeant[/color] Radio-Telephone Operator/Forward Observer (for calling in mortars, artillery or talking to drone pilots) 3x 13-man squads. Let the squads look like however you'd like to make them. We originally based this off a USMC rifle squad of 13 men, but even Special Operations units occasionally operate in 12-man teams that operate quite differently than the Corps. For your edification: [hider=USMC squad] [color=00a651]Squad Leader[/color] [color=00a651]A Team Leader[/color] Auto Rifleman Grenadier Rifleman [color=00a651]B Team Leader[/color] Auto Rifleman Grenadier Rifleman [color=00a651]C Team Leader[/color] Auto Rifleman Grenadier Rifleman[/hider] I would also like to add a Weapons squad containing anti-armor specialists and General Purpose Machine gun crews. [u]Weapons Squad[/u] [color=00a651]Squad Leader[/color] Machine Gunner (GPMG) Assistant Gunner Machine Gunner (GPMG) Assistant Gunner Anti-Armor Gunner Anti-Armor Gunner This organization deploys a total of 50 people. We can bring in plenty of NPCs to fill in the open slots. This will help those people who may want to have their own fireteam, or those who all want to be grouped together. [b]NOTE:[/b] [i][color=00a651]Green slots [/color]are leadership roles.[/i]