[center] [h2][color=f49ac2]Nymphadora[/color][/h2] Between Nymphadora's fireworks and Celia's uniquely irritating stings, the creature ceased its advance toward Arden to target one of the more pressing matters. Unfortunately for Arden, that also meant a change in pattern to the creature's strikes. Instead of stabbing at him, the spyder just swung its legs about as it swung to face its attackers. The silver haired witch winced as the sound of shattering glass reached her ears, leading her to wonder if the boy had consumed the elixir as instructed. [color=f49ac2][i]His loss.[/i][/color] She thought to herself silently, dodging around another swinging leg. The woman turned her eyes downward to the paper in her hand, carefully scribbling lines and runes across the parchment while avoiding being hit by the upset creature. A task much easier said than done as noted by the unfortunate misstep that caused her to trip, one of the spyder's legs whipping around to catch her mid-fall and send her rocketing backward into the wall. The air was forced from her lungs all at once as her back slammed into the solid surface, body falling limply to the ground as the world lurched around her. The spyder barely noticed the slight interruption, continuing to spin around until it had faced Celia's direction. Large globules of acidic drool oozed to the ground as it opened its mouth, a hideous cry bellowing from the creature which echoed painfully throughout the space. Nymphadora groaned, head buzzing from both the impact and the noise. Blood from a wound that had opened on her forehead dripped down and landed on the parchment she had been drawing on causing the runes to begin glowing, reacting to the life force "sacrificed" for the spell. Pushing herself up, Nymphadora staggered to her feet and gritted her teeth. "[color=f49ac2]Ut me mutuo fortitudo vestra testor numen et protector vitae. Ut virtus atque auertere malis ligare.[/color]" As she spoke, the runes began to glow brighter in response to the short incantation, the ground beginning to rumble beneath them. Cracks opened up in the ground beneath the creature, large thorned vines busting upward to entangle themselves around the legs and body of the monster. It struggled against its bindings, screeching its displeasure. The more the creature struggled, the tighter the vines held on digging deeper and deeper into the creatures' flesh. A putrid smell filled the cavern as its blood mixed with the acidic saliva and began burning off some of the thorns near the front. "[color=f49ac2]Damnit... Arden! Any day now for your brilliant plan.[/color]" She called out, beginning to wonder how long they had been down here. Without any window to the outside world, time was an arbitrary thing and difficult to keep track of. Shaking her head, Nymphadora's head was still buzzing from the impact, using her sleeve to swipe some of the blood away from her eyes. (Translation: Please note... I so totally fiddled with google translate so it is by no means accurate lol. Just sounds better.) [hider=Spell (Latin)]Lend me your strength, power and protector of life, in order to turn the power of evil, and to bind.[/hider] [@Dark Light][@Rune_Alchemist][@Ellion] [hr] [h2][color=a187be]Avalon[/color][/h2] It didn't take long for Emmerich to devolve back into a rambling state, notably as nervous as she. But it gave her comfort, knowing that he was uneasy... His words rang true, full of sincerity and that was all she could ask. Avalon smiled but stayed silent as he continued on, bouncing from apology to conversation and back again. "[color=a187be]At ease Emmerich, there's nothing you need apologize for. So many others hide their true intentions, they are secretive and devious. Your words, while surprising, are no less than honest from what I can sense.[/color]" The woman spoke as she walked, casting the occasional glance sideways to look at the man. She paused for a moment, almost reluctant to share anything about her past, however if there was anything she hated... It was a hypocrite, and she wasn't about to allow someone to spill their guts out the way he had without offering the same in return. Clearing her throat, Ava slowed for a moment, pausing to look up at the stars. "[color=a187be]My brother Kyrso and I belong to the House Shire. I suppose we aren't all that well known outside of our home town, but recognition wasn't really what we were after anyway. Going back generations as far as the records can show, and most likely before even that, our family has been apart of the hunting life. Not every woman born to our surname has chosen the path of the blade, but nearly all members have been involved with the hunt one way or another.[/color]" Ava began, bringing her eyes back down to earth as she began walking again. "[color=a187be]Growing up, my father was still quite active but he tended to take jobs closer to home and would alternate hunts with my uncle so that he could be home more to train us. At first, at least for me, it was more about being able to defend myself against bandits and the like. But growing up watching both my father and uncle go out on these hunts, listening to their stories about hunts dating back as far as our family... I found myself drawn to the same life.[/color]" "[color=a187be]When we were still young an illness struck the town and claimed a good many, including the life of Mother. Father was absolutely heartbroken over it, we all were... But I think it hit him the hardest. My uncle took over our training full time so that father could continue earning a living for us, but eventually he was met with the hunter's fate like many before him. It wasn't until later that I found out the one responsible wasn't any witch or howling beast, but a fellow hunter unwilling to give up the bounty.[/color]" She allowed a moment for her words to sink in as they walked, attempting to push down her burning hatred for the unknown hunter responsible for her father's death. Finally she shook her head and returned a smile to her face. "[color=a187be]Anyways, long story short... I've trained my whole life to be in good, fighting condition. Glad to hear it's paid off.[/color]" She winked mischeviously, before glancing at him curiously. "[color=a187be]Masquerade balls and libraries, sounds like an interesting place. That's the building with all the books, right?[/color]" She joked, laughing while she tried to picture it. For the most part, the only books she ever picked up had something to do with creatures she was hunting... Additionally, they were usually handwritten hunter notes, shared amongst the community by information brokers. Very rarely did one of her kind have reason to visit an actual library. "[color=a187be]I wouldn't mind seeing one of those someday either. Sounds like an interesting place.[/color]" She noted out loud, not entirely aware that she had done so. Noting the open door, Ava nodded her thanks and slipped inside the inn pausing only a moment to wait for Emmerich to enter after her before searching out a seat. Even for the late hour, the place was still quite busy. ~~~ [h2][color=fdc68a]Kyrso[/color][/h2] Kyrso had been, or at least attempting to, minding his own business. He didn't say anything other than to order more drink or food, and he didn't particularly tune in to any of the other conversations going on around him. To be honest, he was feeling rather tired and wanted nothing more than to head up stairs and fall asleep... But for the moment that wasn't much of an option for him. As much faith as he put in his sister and her abilities, he still wasn't about to leave her completely alone with some strange man, especially one that fights with so much ferocity and cruelty. Being her twin brother and all, Kyrso sensed Avalon's arrival before they even opened the door, turning to check in on her subtly from the bar. She looked content enough, no signs of distress and the creepy guys seemed a lot less... creepy for now. Their eyes met for a brief moment, making sure that she was alright before he stood up, paid his tab and asked to be shown to a room. ~~~ "[color=a187be]To be perfectly honest, I don't think I've ever given wine a second thought. Raised on ales and whiskey, so I'll have to defer to your good judgement on something like that.[/color]" She added, glancing around the room before taking a seat. There were plenty of interesting characters about, but none of them seemed too problematic yet. Still, one could never be too careful around creatures like them, especially when alcohol was involved. Her eyes trailed after her brother as he retreated for the night, noting the number of fingers he held up to her before heading up the stairs. [@13org] [/center]