[i][color=fd0347]'More used to my presence, but not completely over..'[/color][/i] Cecilia mentally noted, watching how they seemed to lightly hang on each of her words, despite of any efforts they were taking. It wasn't as bad as before, from the goddess' perspective, but still there. However at the please, she smiled softly - perhaps even sadly - as she recalled past memories. With the lightest of sighs, she leaned forward against her arms. [b][color=fd0347]"The most famous of my adventurers is likely the one that ascended me to godhood. Suffice it to say, dragons exist but they are very rare, very powerful creatures, whose blood is magic and scales as if steel."[/color][/b] She paused a moment, studying the pair and seeing in their eyes that they were eager to hear. [b][color=fd0347]"Where to start..."[/color][/b] Pursing her lips for a moment, she nodded lightly to herself. [b][color=fd0347]"Probably best I set up the tale. Back when I was mortal, I had made my way up to the Lion's Guard, a group of veteran warriors that had been given the honor similar to a knight. Unlike being knighted, which is steeped in bloodlines and squire-ship, being a Lion's Guard was a path wrought with resolve and proving yourself on the battlefield."[/color][/b] As she spoke, there was a tinge of pride in her voice, her lips curving into a happier smile as she recalled. [b][color=fd0347]"I had been recognized specifically for my success in mercenary work for the kingdom as well as my style of swordsmanship. People had taken to calling me a 'blade dancer,' like the ones further east."[/color][/b] She shifted, looking to both of them in turn as she spun the tale. It was fun for Cecilia to be able to finally talk like this again. She hardly ever had the time as a goddess before, having to split her focus across her people, but now - it was just her and the pair. It reminded her of being human, of the closeness and fellowship. It was something she dearly missed. [b][color=fd0347]"Either way, on one of my tasks to make sure a ruin was clear of danger.. I came across a sleeping dragon. It was hard for me to grasp at first, but soon enough I had hopped onto my steed and made haste back to the kingdom. At first, they didn't believe me.. that was.."[/color][/b] Cecilia frowned slightly. [b][color=fd0347]"Until villages started to burn from the beast's mouth. I know now that not all dragons are evil, but this one meant to make slaves of us all. As the crown panicked and ordered us to stay and defend them.. I refused, branding me a traitor to the crown. It didn't matter to me."[/color][/b] Her frown had slowly turned into an expression of determination as she relived the memories from the tale. [b][color=fd0347]"I guess it was my resolve and conviction that swayed people.. because as I went from kingdom to kingdom, trying to gather what warriors I could.. people looked up at me, as a leader and inspiration - like some sort of light against the darkness."[/color][/b] She looked at the two and smirked,[b][color=fd0347]"their words, not mine."[/color][/b] Shrugging lightly afterwards, as if humbled by the memory, she continued. [b][color=fd0347]"Eventually we made it to the final battle.. a lot of us died... including Samantha, my love.."[/color][/b] She paused, seeming very sorrowful at mentioning that name. [b][color=fd0347]"It was then that I struck the last blow to the beast, killing it as it faded away in a pile of dragon dust. It had wounded me however.. and I was dying.. I guess whatever forces grant such things, decided I was worthy of being a deity."[/color][/b] Taking in a breath and letting out a sigh, she watched the two - ever curious to see their reaction. What the questions might be, to see which they were more interested in, whether it be the dragon, her position, her allies, or perhaps even her lost love.