[h1][b][i][color=#FF0000][center]Guthrie [/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][color=#FF0000]Location:[/color] Alleyway battle - Shezze [color=#FF0000]Interacting with:[/color] Sala & Vala, Vamon, Spencer and Shadow Fiend[/center] [hr][hr] Guthrie was never far behind Theo as they made their way through Shezze, until they reached what had to be just an ordinary alleyway. Well, almost ordinary, except for the sounds coming from just around the corner, and then the sight of something large and black further down the alley. At the sight of the dark thing - or whatever it was - Theo's barking ceased, while a low growling could be heard as he lowered his head, ready to strike. [color=#FF0000]"Down Theo, down...what the...what is that?"[/color] Guthrie whispered to himself while the twins ran past him, shouting at the now visible man further down that only magic or fire could harm it. Great, something a normal blade couldn't do anything about. Oh how Guthrie loved that. Suddenly, like the flash of an explosion down in the tunnels he once mined in, a fiery light flew right in front of them to strike the shadowry beast about to attack the man; the man Guthrie now recoginzed as the alchemist he had met briefly at the shop. No, he was not about to let this...beast of darkness kill this man. But if it could only be slain by fire or magic, how could... Guthrie's question was answered when he heard from the alchemist's plea for a fire. In an instant, he had - seemingly - poured some kind of liqued onto the creature, probably oil now that Guthrie thougth about it; that would be something an alchemist would have. And in front of him lay the next best thing to a torch. In the blink of an eye, Guthrie had rushed forward, jumping down to grab the sword and roll up onto his feet and continued to run. The beast was now only feet away from him, and the reflective glow of the burning sword in his hand from the oil shined up brightly. [color=#FF0000]"Begone you foul beast, back to the shadows with you!"[/color] The burning sword cut down at the shadow, the fire igniting the oil and illuminating the whole alley. Guthrie only hoped that this did something, because he was out of plans.